Chapter 4: Shopping!

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"Nagisa-kun, how about this?" Kayano asked, holding up a pink skirt. We were at a shopping mall, and it was the day before Christmas.

Let me explain in breif what happened.
Yesterday, after school, Karma went off somewhere on his own again, and Kayano started questioning me about my 'lover'.

"Nagisa-kun, did you get her a Christmas gift?" Kayano leaned forward, her eyes demanding truth.
"" And I did say the truth, not thinking about the consequences.

And so, here I was, regretting my reply. Wasting my Saturday to shop for the 'girlfriend' who wasn't even really a GIRLfriend!!

"Uh...Kayano, it's okay, you don't have to do this. I'll think of something myself!" I tried to politely get myself out of the whole thing.
"No way, Nagisa-kun! I wanna help you guys out!" Kayano insisted.

I sighed.
"W-well... that person isn't really in girlish things... more like, 'deadly' things...maybe?" I muttered, but Kayano heard me.
"What?! So she's like, the tomboyish type? Why didn't you say so!" She put down the top she was looking at and pulled me into another shop.

"Tell me more, Nagisa-kun! Compared to our classmates, who is she most similar to?" Kayano inquired as she dug through a big basket of clothes, searching for who knows what.

That would be Karma. And actually, it is Karma!
But I obviously I couldn't say that out loud!

"I don't really know..." I said quietly.
"Eeh..." Kayano gave me a 'boo' look.

Suddenly, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I reached in and took out my phone.

Karma's call.

I reluctantly put the phone to my ear. I mean, Karma just goes home alone these days, and we hadn't talked since school yesterday.

"Hello, Nagisa-kun? Are you free right now?" Karma asked.
", actually, I'm out shopping with Kayano."
There was a short pause.
"...why with Kayano?" I giggled at Karma's voice. He sounded jealous!
"It's a long story. Bye, I'll call you later."
"No, wait, which mall?"
"Huh?! No way, I'm not telling you!"
"What?! Why--"
I hung up. No, I was not gonna have him here!

I was putting my phone back in my pocket when Kayano's phone rang.
"Hello? Oh, hi Karma-kun! Yeah, Nagisa's with me here. Which mall? Why, it's Ashitaka, beside the sweet shop. Sure, come quick!"

Kayano closed her phone and turned to me, smiling. "Karma-kun's coming here too! I wonder what he would say when he hears you've not got your girlfriend a gift yet?"

I let out an exasperated sigh.
That guy's sure got his way of doing things!!

Sure enough, in about two minutes, Karma was there, grinning at me. A mocking grin!
"Yo, Nagisa-kun! So what are you guys doing here?"

"We're picking out a gift for Nagisa-kun's girlfriend! Christmas is tomorrow, and he hasn't even decided on anything!" Kayano went ahead and gave it all away. If only she knew this was the person we're here for...

"Oooh, is that so? You should've told me sooner, Nagisa-kun!" Karma flashed me another grin. This one was pure evil!

"Okay then, next shop!" Kayano stepped ahead, and I tried to walk beside her, but Karma held me back.

"How 'bout we buy a big ribbon, Nagisa-kun?" Karma whispered into my ear. "A ribbon big enough to tie you up~♡"
"Karma-kun, at least control yourself in public!" I whispered loudly.

Thankfully no one noticed us in the crowd, but that did NOT give him the right to do as he pleased!!

We walked through a couple of other shops, and then finally Karma suggested we go into a store called 'Prankster'.
The very name implied the purpose!!

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