chapter 9

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*a week later*

Román has gone off to work and left me here. In his room. All by myself. Locked in. At least I'm not cuffed to the bed anymore. Baby steps, I keep reminding myself.

I got him to trust me, just a little bit though. I'm getting the hang of listening to him and not making him mad. And when he is mad, I'm still learning on how to calm him down. Unless he's mad at me, then the only way to calm him down is to get punished. Which I managed to only get punished only twice in a week. Thank God the punishments weren't bad.

Right now, I'm just sitting on his bed, wondering about what I'm going to do today. It's been like this for a couple of days now. I would go to sleep in his arms, which is by force. And I'd wake up to either him kissing me good bye, or a note on the bed. The note always said the same thing.

Good morning my love, I'm sorry I can't be there for when you wake up. I had some business that I had to attend to. I wish I could spend the day with you today. I'll be home at 4. I'll see you soon gattino

Or something like that. He was always home, well not home, but here early. Like an hour or two early. I wonder what he does. Does he actually kill people? Probably. Probably very day even.

I shuddered at that thought. Today I woke up at 1, a little later then usual. So Román should be here in two hours. Oh what should I do? I wonder if I can go to the library? Maybe. I should go ask.

I got up and walked to the door, taking gentle and quiet steps. I knocked on the door softly. In a quick second, the door was unlocked and opened, showing the same guard. I figured out his name. It's Jack, but people, well I call him JJ.

"What?" He snapped. I flinched away. Trying to fight the urge to cover my face. He must be in a bad mood today.

"L-library?" I asked. You would think for being here almost two weeks, my stuttering would've stopped. But nope, I guess ever since I was like 4, i developed a stuttering habit. I could never break out of it.

"Uh boss will be home soon, like 45 minutes. I'll tell him you want to go to the library. Are you hungry?" He rushed. This time I stood up straight and looked up at him. Let's get this straight, everyone here is like 5'9 to like 7'0 foot. And I'm probably the shortest of the shortest. I'm 4"11.

Yea I know I shouldn't be that tall for being 17. But I also shouldn't be 103lbs. But hey what can I say, I'm a skinny person. It's weird though, like weird. I have C sized breast and a semi big butt. Well that's a lie, it's not big or small.

Mrs Jennings always told me that it's not right to weigh so little. But I'm working on it. I don't know what my body is doing, but all i know is that I get it from my mom. Everyone says I have a body like my mom, skinny and full with big booty and boobies. It's weird.

"N-no" I told him honestly. I don't eat a lot, but being here. Román forces me to eat a lot. Like I'm surprised I'm not fat.

And just like that, he slammed the door in my face and Locked it. How rude? Jeez. I may be some scared and innocent girl, but I know respect and manners.

I walked over to the bed and flopped on it, bouncing a little. I sighed. What am I going to do.


I felt someone shaking me, cooing some things in my ear. Something about waking up. Not caring, I turned over and cuddled more into the warmth. And that's when it registered.

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