The One Where Emma Gets a Roommate

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"Okay, so, you, guys, need to be nice to my cousins, alright?" Emma said going in the couch's direction.
"Why are you freaking out so much about this?" Scott asked putting his feet on the center table.
"Because, firstly, they're good people and they're family. Secondly, I don't know if you remember but this is my aunt Monica's apartment and if we don't treat her children well, she might kick me off of here and y'all will have to find a new place to get free food and hang out while you should be working."
"We promise we'll be good, mom." Scott said.
"What are their names again, Em?" Alison asked.
Someone knocked on the door.
"You'll find out in a sec. They are the only possible people who'd knock. No one else knocks."
Emma ran in the door's direction and opened it.
"Oh my god, Erica!"
"Hey, Em!"
"Has been, what? Two years?"
"Five, actually." Said Jack coming from behind his sister.
"Oh my god, Jack! When did you get so tall?"
"When I was fourteen."
"Well, maybe I just shrieked then. It's not totally impossible. Come on in. These are Scott and Alison." She said pointing to each of them.
"Hey." Erica said.
"Sit down, guys." Emma said sitting on the couch. "It must have been a long trip."
"Not really. We live only an hour and a half away."
"Oh, yeah... anyways, sitting never killed anyone." Emma concluded smiling.
Jack sat between Emma and Alison, turning to the second one.
"How you doin'?"
"Don't." Emma almost screamed.
"What? I was just asking how she is."
"You know, Jack, you're not the only one who uncle Joey gave lessons to. Though I really prefer the packing-through-Europe story better. But who am I to judge? That's the story that made me."
"How come you guys haven't seen each other in five years?" Scott asked. " You seem pretty close."
"You know, Emma went to college. We went to college. Everyone just went on their way. But we used to be really close when little." Erica said. "Our parents would just meet every weekend."
"Talking about that, where are your parents? I thought they were coming too."
"They were downstairs with your parents. Talking about how the Starbucks down there used to be a small coffee place called Central Park or something like that." Jack declared.
"Central Perk? My parents say that every time they come to visit. I think it was a big thing for them."
The door opened and everyone turned around.
"Aunt Monica, Uncle Chandler. Such a long time." Emma hugged both of them. "Do you guys like what I did with the place?"
"Yeah, I like it." Said Chandler smiling and looking around.
"Sure." Monica said not even a little bit enthusiastically.
"I'll take that as a maybe." Emma said smiling. "Mom, dad."
"Hi, sweetheart. We are so proud of you. You are the new anchor now! We're gonna see you every night at eight."
"Yes, you will." Emma answered smiling.
"You know, honey, you still have time to go after a scientific career. It's never too late."
"Dad, I told you already. I love science. But not as a profession."
"She probably actually hates it, she just doesn't wanna hurt your feelings. Who'd blame her? You'd probably spend the next ten years talking about it." Rachel whispered.
"Hum... aunt Monica, uncle Chandler, these are Scott and Alison. They're my friends."
"Yeah, I assumed since they're just sitting here in your living room." Chandler said.
"Where do you guys wanna go out to dinner tonight?"
"Actually," Monica started "I'm cooking today. Phoebe, Mike and Joey are coming here tonight."
"Yay, your aunt Phoebe. I love her." Alison said from the couch.
"Oh, ok." Emma said to Monica.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Emma, sometimes I forget how you're living here now. Is that ok?"
"Of course. I love your food, aunt Monica. Anytime is a great time for you to cook."
"Should say that more often to your grandparents."
Emma laughed.
"Anyways, Erica, can you help me carry your stuff to your room?"
Erica got up.
"So you guys already talked?" Chandler started. "It'll be good for you moving in together, me and Joey were roommates for a really long time and..." Everyone was staring at him. "I said too much. Again."
"What?" Emma asked. "I'm sorry, what I meant was: what?"
"Well," Erica said "I got a job offer really close to here and I was wondering if maybe I could move in with you for some time, Em."
"Me too." Jack said.
"You both got a job offer around here?" Scott asked.
"No, I don't really have a job right now. I just wanna move." Jack answered.
"Sure, guys. But I just have one extra room."
"That's ok." Jack said. "Already found this apartment in the building right next to this one. I'm gonna meet up with him at Starbucks in half an hour."
"Okay... I guess I just got a new roommate." Emma said.
"Thanks, Em. You won't regret it." They hugged.
"What do you guys think of going somewhere to get a cup of coffee while the grown ups do what grown ups do?"
"Sure, let's go. Let me just grab my coat."
"Come on, everyone. We'll be back for dinner."
"Better be." Monica said.
"We will. I'll make sure. I love your food, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Alison said.
"You've never eaten my food."
"Yeah... but I think I'll love it."
"Suddenly I see why you like Phoebe so much." Chandler said.
Alison smiled. The others laughed softly.
"Come on, let's go."
All five of them left the apartment.
"I'm gonna grab coffee for us." Emma said going on the balcony's direction.
"So, where's your new job?" Scott asked sitting on a high chair.
"At the University. I'm a history professor."
"You'd think that by that she means all of that cool history, like fights between guys in armors and horses that eat chicken with their hands. But no." Jack said sitting next to Scott.
"I teach history of art."
"Yeah." Jack said chuckling. "She thinks she's an artist."
"Oh, is that funny for you, Mets' player?"
"Oh-oh. One day. One day I'll be."
Emma got back.
"Here... Erica, are you still seeing I-hate-the-world John?"
Jack laughed.
"No. We broke up four years ago. It ended up that I was part of the world that he hated."
"Why did he hate the world so much?" Alison asked.
"I don't know. He just hated it."
"I think I might know him. Can I see a picture?"
"Sure. Here..." Erica gave Alison her phone.
"Oh! I guess I know why he hated the world now!" Alison screamed.
"Don't be so harsh with the guy." Scott said getting the coffee cup closer. "It can't be that bad."
Alison turned the phone screen to him and he spit his coffee.
"Were you drunk when you met him?"
"Ah, cut it out, guys. Well, he liked art and... I liked his... there was his... Ok, I didn't like him at all."
"Yet you dated him for over an year." Jack said.
"Yeah." Erica said thinking about it. "Why?"
"Honey, if you don't know, no one knows." Emma said putting her hand on Erica's shoulder.
"Probably not even his mom." Alison added.
"Emma? I brought you a cookie. Your favorite. No need to pay for it."
"Thanks, Gunther, you're always so kind to me."
"No problem. Say hi to you mom for me, please."
"I will, just like all the other times."
"Thank you." He left.
"What was that about?" Erica asked laughing.
"Oh, that guy has some kind of crush on Emma's mom." Alison said. "He gives her a cookie almost every day."
"Won't complain." Emma said drinking her macchiato.
"It looks like James just got here." Jack said. "He texted me saying..."
"Oh my God! He is your new roommate?" Alison asked looking at the door.
"Oh my God!" Emma said.
"Cut it out, Jack!" Erica said.
"What?" Jack asked confused.
"He is hot." Alison said. "Really hot."
"I know him." Scott said. "He was my college roommate. James!"
The guy turned to them.
"Scott! Such a long time, man."
"Hey, I'm Jack. Your new roommate." Jack said.
"These are Erica, my sister, Scott you already know, Emma, and Alison." He said pointing to each of them.
"Nice to meet y'all." He said looking only at Emma.
"Nice to meet you too." She answered. He smiled.
"I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee. I'll be back in a second."
James left and Erica said:
"Too bad."
"What a waste." Alison said.
"What? What's wrong with him?" Jack asked.
"He's a one-night-stander type of guy. Sex-only." Emma said.
"He couldn't take his eyes off of you." Alison said. "Literally."
"I'm not gonna let anything happen. I need a relationship. It has been so long since the last time that I had a real one."
"Wait. How do you guys know that he's like that?" Jack asked. "The guy barely said anything."
"We've got the feeling. You know, we can sense this stuff." Alison said.
"Then why can guys like him still get girls?"
"Some of us want a guy like him and, well, after a few cups of alcohol this feeling goes away and they're just hot."
"Hey." James said getting back. "So you're moving in tomorrow?"
"Here's your key. I have no rules in my apartment. Just... you are not one of those creepy guys who likes to watch other people sleeping, are you?"
"Good, I had a roommate like that once and it was not good."
"I can guarantee you that he's not." Emma said.
"So, you guys?"
"Oh, no, no, no, no,no. No, no. No. He's my cousin." Emma said.
"Eight NOs, Emma?" Jack asked.
"Well, you are my cousin."
"Are you guys all related?"
"No, me and Scott are Emma's friends and just met Erica and Jack today." Alison said. "Erica is Jack's sister and Emma is their cousin."
"Oh... that sounds like fun."
"Hey." Scott called. "Isn't that Alison's crazy ex-boyfriend? What was his name?"
"Luke!" Emma said.
"Oh my god, yes." Alison said sliding down her chair. "Please don't see me. Please don't see me. Please don't see me."
"Alison, sweetheart!"
"Crap! Hey, Luke."
Emma held a laugh.
"Scott." He said with a disgusted face and turning back to Alison. "Where have you been? So long I haven't seen you. I think you might have gotten a number wrong when you gave me your new phone. I keep reaching this girl named Olivia."
"Oh, I have this little problem with numbers, you know, I get one of them wrong sometimes. Or some. Or all."
"I really need to use the restroom but I'll be back in a second. Don't go anywhere." He said smiling.
"I would never." She answered smiling too.
He left and she got up.
"Come on everyone. Get up, get up. Before he gets back here."
"Why? He seems nice... and I should add hot." Erica said.
Emma started laughing.
"Yeah, sure." she said.
"Yeah. Why is he crazy?" Jack asked. "He seems..."
"Don't say normal."  Alison said looking at him. "Get up, get up." She pulled Emma out of her seat. "He can be back any minute."
They all rushed out through the doors.
"You are kind weird." James said. "But I feel you, Alison. I've... dated... a lot of crazy chicks."
"Are you planning to explain any of this to us?" Erica asked.
"Look," Alison started "Luke and I used to date back in college. You know, he's hot and seems very nice at the beginning. But he is crazy. He thinks we're still dating."
"Maybe he just misunderstood the way you broke up with him." Erica argued.
"Yeah, because there are just multiple ways to understand 'I am breaking up with you, Luke.'"
"That's so insensitive." James said. "I like it." He smiled.
"Well, that was the 15th time that I was breaking up with him in the same month, sorry if I wasn't too gentle. I once even kissed Scott in front of him so he would stop stalking me."
"Yeah, now the guy hates me." Scott said.
"But he said he didn't mind having an open relationship."
"He punched me, Ali! Three times! In the middle of the street!"
"I wish he had just punched me and left me alone."
They reached the apartment's door.
"Oh, James, I forgot about you. My family is inside." Emma said.
"It's ok. I can just leave."
"No, no. Stay. It's ok. My aunt is a chef, she won't mind cooking for one more."
"Thanks." He said smiling. She smiled back.
They got into the apartment.
"There are my favorite nephew and nieces." Joey said smiling.
"Hi, uncle Joey!" Emma said hugging him.
"You know you're not actually our uncle, right uncle Joey?" Erica said.
"What?" Joey and Jack screamed at the same time.
Everyone stared at Erica.
"I was just messing with you guys." She said laughing and the others laughed with her.
"Thank God, for a second I thought you were serious." Joey said breathing.
"Hello, everyone." Phoebe said getting inside.
"We brought wine." Mike said coming from behind her.
"Phoebe!" Alison screamed.
"Oh my god, Alison!" They hugged. "I'm still trying to convince him but he's really closed to new ideas you know?" She whispered.
"I can help you." Alison answered whispering too. She went on Mike's direction. "Hey, Mike. Let me help you with this wine." She said winking to Phoebe, who winked back.
"The food is ready." Monica said.
"I think we need some extra chairs." Emma said. "I'm gonna grab some. I think I have three in the hallway's closet."
"I can help you." James said. "The least I could do, I feel like a intruder here."
"Don't, honey." Rachel said. "Who are you, anyways?"
"I'm James, Jack's new roommate. And you must be Emma's sister. I see beauty runs in your family." He said smiling.
"Well, thank you. But I'm her mom, though I really like your line of thought." Rachel said smiling back. "Nice to meet you James."
"Are you helping me or not?" Emma asked.
"Oh, sure." He ran to where she was and followed her. "I can take these two."
"It's okay. I can take them."
"Not saying that you can't. Actually, you seem like a bad person to doubt of."
She smiled. He smiled back.
"We should go back." Emma said. "I'm really hungry and someone needs these chairs."
"My aunt's food is the best. You're gonna love it."
They got back at living room.
"Oh, mom, Gunther says hi."
Rachel laughed.
"Gunther still talks to you?" Ross asked.
"Hum, no. He just always asks Emma to say hi to me."
"And gives me a free cookie." Emma sat on the table. "Once he even said that he almost was my father."
"What?" Ross said and the others laughed.
"And that I should remind mom that being on a break does not justify what you did."
"Yes, it does." He screamed. Rachel looked at him. "No, it doesn't."
"So, Erica is moving in with Emma." Monica said.
"Oh, really? You're gonna love New York." Phoebe said. "Mike and I are going to adopt Alison."
"What?" Mike asked.
"Yay." Alison screamed.
"No we're not." He concluded. "She has a family. We can't."
"Oh, yeah. I've got parents." Alison said disgusted.
"You don't like your parents?" Chandler asked.
"Oh, no, I love them. Why'd think that?"
"Uh... no reason."
"So, you're Jack's new roommate." Monica said looking at James.
"Yeah. James."
"What do you work on, James?"
"Mom!" Erica said. "You don't need to answer it, James."
"It's ok. I'm a lawyer."
"A lawyer?" Emma asked.
"Does that surprise you?" He asked smiling.
"It's just that... you don't look like the type of guy that is a lawyer."
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment."
"You look kinda young to be a lawyer." Erica said.
"I'm still doing my internship. But I skipped one year in High School."
"Really?" Emma asked.
"This surprises you too?"
"No, it's just that... It's very cool."
"Were you born in NY, James?" Chandler asked.
"No. I was born in California. I moved here because of my University."
"What University you go to?"
"I'm done with the University but I used to go to Columbia."
"Columbia?" Emma asked.
"No, Emma, I got him at this one." Joey said smiling. "Columbia is a country, not a University."
"Joey, Colombia is the country. Columbia is an University." Ross said.
"Yeah, I doubt it."
"If you are so smart why do you need a roommate?" Alison asked.
"Ali!" Emma said.
"I'm still an intern. Don't make much money yet. And my family was never the best one."
"Oh, I'm sorry, honey." Rachel said.
"My mom killed herself." Phoebe said.
"My dad ran away when I was five."
"I like this guy."
He smiled.
"The food is delicious by the way."
"I like this guy too." Monica said.
"Changing the subject..." Emma said.
"Why?" Monica asked.
"I'm the new anchor."
"That's so great, Emma." Phoebe said.
"You know, the love for cameras runs in the family." Joey said.
"Really? Do we have some sibling that works on TV?" Monica asked.
"Me!" Joey said. "I'm Emma's uncle. I think you guys might be starting to have some memory problems. It's me Joey."
They laughed and Scott focused for a moment on James. He was looking at Emma for a few seconds. Scott got up and his voice took over James' thoughts.
"You know, we should get going. It's getting late and you guys are probably tired and everything. Come on, James." He was getting up. "Alison?"
"Wait! Wait! We should register this moment! Let me take a picture of you!" Monica said getting up.
"Mom!" Erica said. "She got this new Polaroid and wants to take pictures of everything.
"Uh! I love polaroids!" Alison said. "Come on."
They all gathered in front of the door and Monica got her camera. James waited in the kitchen.
"C'mon, James. Don't like pictures?" Monica asked.
"Oh. Sure." He walked towards the door and stoped next to Emma.
"A little bit to the side, gentleman." Ross said.
"He's a lawyer from Columbia. He's gonna be very rich. And he's good looking. Don't tell him to go far away from our daughter." Rachel whispered.
"Actually, I meant to the other side. Closer to Emma. Or you won't fit in the picture." Ross said. James moved.
"Smile..." Monica started but she stoped the camera half away from her face.
"Aunt Monica?"
"Oh, it's just that I noticed that you kept the empty picture frame around the peephole."
"Oh, yeah. I liked it."
Monica smiled and looked back to all of them.
"So, smile everyone."
"Some might say," Ross started, smiling. "that this is the beginning of a new era."

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