Logan, a wolverine movie done right!

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OK just got back from seeing Logan in theatres so here's my official review. It works like this I'll grade on a scale from one to a hundred 50 being average... I'll choose some categories (how ever many I want) and they'll all be worth the according points.

For me all the acting was great but special props to the girl who plays Logans daughter she doesn't have many lines but she carries emotion greatly, Galdalf was a good Charles and most everyone else did fine

Spot on! Logan was dry and had a huge 'I'm to old for this shit" personality Charles was the opposite.... There was comedy but a fitting kind where there was no jokes just Charles and Logan working off each other

Fairly straight forward good but not anything special... Almost cried though

Special effects
Way to good CGI was barely noticeable and the detail was amazing one fight wolverine stabbed a guy in a uppercut style manner and you saw the blood drop out. The fight choreography was really good from logans more precise and tactical attacks to his daughter's much more uncontrolled movements. About the former I was worried that it'd seem slow and boring *cough*the dark night*cough* but it was very entertaining and we saw classic Wolfie in the green goop scene (you'll see)

So... Female wolverine storyline hinted at a dead Logan, really interesting world they've set up. Can't wait to see it! Hope Logan stays dead though would be interesting!

Amazing one of the best marvel movies I've seen in a long time and I want more! This is how wolverine should have been don't in the first place so glad I saw it, highly recommended this was truly a wolverine movie done right.

Stay cool,

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