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(For the first part of the story go to my tap account)
Tanisha's pov

I arrive at the hotel room that I was instructed to go to and knock four times. Colby answers the door and smiles. "I see you followed my rules" Colby says. I nod. He lets me in and gestures to my bag. "I brought some stuff" I say. He nods and grabs it then puts it on the bed. There's only one bed. "Wanna go swimming" he asks. "Sure" I grab my bag and go into the bathroom and get changed into my hot pink bikini. We walk to the elevator and hit the button for the pool floor. The elevator moves slowly and after what seems like forever we get to the floor. I walk out before Colby, who had been glancing at me the whole time, and walk to the showers. After having a quick shower, I jump into the pool. It's cold but it's nice. He gets in too and I notice that there is no one else in the pool.

After we swam for a bit I decided to go down the water slide. I climbed up the six flights of stairs to get to the entrance and go down. It's dark and fast but really fun. The bottom is a straight stretch so I slowed down and was able to stop at the end with my feet hanging off. I look around and don't see Colby anywhere. Suddenly I hear splashing behind me and then I'm knocked into the water. Colby landed on top of me. The last thing I see is the floor.

I wake up in a bed. My head feels like someone hit it with a bat 50 times. The shower is running. I try to sit up but fall back down. The shower turns off. I groan and close my eyes. The bathroom door opens. What happened? Someone starts to walk towards me. I keep my eyes closed. The person brushes my hair back and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight love" they say. It's Colby, I know that voice. That wonderful voice. He lays down beside me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. I drift of to sleep smiling.

I wake up to warm arms wrapped around me. Where am I? Oh ya.... I try to get up but he pulls me back down. "No" he mumbles. I giggle and snuggle back into his chest. We sleep for another hour and then get up. "There's free breakfast" he says. I nod and grab some clothes. After we both change we walk down the hall to the breakfast room. I have a bagel, juice, and yogurt, he has waffles and coffee. "What do you want to do today?" He asks. I just shrug. "Is your head okay". I nod but close my eyes and bite my lip because it hurts. Colby shakes his head "maybe we should just stay in bed today" he says and smirks a little. I blush and roll my eyes.

When we get back to the hotel room I change into pyjamas. Colby smiles at me and lays on the bed. I lay beside him and shiver. "Are you cold" he asks. "A little" I answer. He wraps his arms around me again and pulls me onto his chest. We watch tv for the rest of the day.

The next day we wake up and have breakfast again. "We should go shopping" I suggest. "Fine" Colby says. I smiles and walk towards my car. We drive too the mall and start at Ardennes. I try on some clothes and show Colby. Next I try on a bathing suit. He says that he likes it. He was staring at me the whole time I was showing it to him. I buy some stuff and we go to stitches next, then blue notes and a bathing suit store. I start to walk towards la senza but remember that Colby is with me. I turn to him and laugh a little. He volunteered to hold all my bags. I point to the chairs "I'm going to La Senza you should sit there". He smirks a little "what if I wanna watch you try on bras". I blush and glare at him.

He sat in the chairs while I shopped. When I came out he grabbed those bags too but he also handed me something. It was a chocolate rose from purdey's. I blush a little and thank him. "I know a better way you can thank me" he says. I raise an eyebrow. He makes kiss lips and winks. I sigh and stand on my tip toes, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Before he can say anything I start to walk towards the escalator. I here him start walking behind me. We walk into another store and the first thing I see is matching couple sweaters. There's tons of them. "We should get matching sweaters" he says too me. I blush but start looking through them. I find black sweaters that say his and hers with kissing emojis on them and we bought them. I slip mine on and so does he.

We get back to the hotel and he puts all my bags on the bed. "You know, you never showed me what you bought from that one store" He says, smirking. I blush and shake my head. "Come on I want to see them" he pouts. "Fine" I sigh and grab the La Senza bag. I walk into the bathroom and put on the first set of bra and underwear. I walk out and spin around, blushing. I walk back in and try on the next set. He stares at me. I blush and go change into the last set. He is standing at the door when I open it. He smiles at me and leans in, kissing my lips gently. I blush and kiss back. He pulls away a little bit. I lean in and kiss him again. He picks me up and brings me to our bed. You can guess where it goes from there.

I wake up and feel his arms around. Everything from last night comes back to my mind. I blush a little and get up. After I get dressed I grab some left overs from the little fridge and start eating. Colby comes out, fully dressed, and steals some of my food. "Hey" I say and pull my food away from him. He laughs and kisses me but grabs some food when he does. I pull away and stick my lip out. He kisses the lip that's out.

We went swimming again and this time I didn't get hurt. We went down the water slide together. After we swim we go to eat at a fancy restaurant. After we ate we went and watched the new movie Before I Fall. After the movie we came back to the hotel and went swimming again. After we swim for a while we go back to the hotel laughing. We were standing in the pool, kissing, and this little girl and her mom walked in and the little girl looked so like surprised.

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