Rules 2

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Tanisha pov

He's chasing me. With a bat. And a chainsaw. Who may you ask? Well that's simple really, it's Him. Colby, the man I thought I loved. "I hate you" he yells. "Why would I ever love you" he calls out. "Who was it with? Who's baby is it really? Was it Ivan? Quest? Ty?" He yells. I stumble a little at the last name. "It's Ty isn't it!?!?!?" He screams. I trip. The last thing I see is him swinging the bat down at my face. I feel the sharp pain in my nose, with the chainsaw digging into my stomach killing the baby and hear a disgusting crack, while blood drips down my face onto my mouth. It tastes like metal. Why? Why can't he just love me? Why.... did he...... kill..... Me?

I sit up instantly. It was just a dream. It felt so real but.... it's Colby's baby. I pull the blanket off of me and get up to go to the washroom. As I stand up I feel water start to run down my legs. My water just broke. "Colby" I say. He grunts "I think my water just broke" I say. He sits up quickly "what?". He stands up quickly and walks over to me, he helps me sit down and goes to get the baby bag. We start to drive to the hospital and I text Madi.

T- We're on the way to the hospital, my water broke
M- WHAT!!!!! I'll be there soon
T- no, sleep just come in the morning
M- it's 3:47 I'll be fine
T- I said sleep, plus you're probably with someone 😉
M- shut up.....
T- see you some time AFTER 7am
M- fine see you then

~Time skip to when the baby is born (5:32am)~

  "It's a girl" The doctor says. I smile and sigh, laying back on the bed. They take the baby to clean it and make sure it's healthy. Colby sits down next to me and grabs my hand. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I say back. Half an hour later they bring our baby girl in. "What would you like to name her?" The nurse asks. I look up at Colby and he nods. "Teddy Desiree Arnott" I say. The nurse writes it down and asks both of us to sign the paper. She passes me Teddy. Someone walks, well more bursts, through the door and almost knocks over like ten things. Well Madi's here.... she walks up to me. "It's not seven yet" I say. She smiles and walks over "I know that" she says. Colby, who had Teddy at the moment, passes her to Madi. "Her name is Teddy" Colby says. Madi holds her and smiles.

  After a while my parents and his parents came in but they had left now. It was only Colby, Me and Madi. Madi is holding Teddy. I think she has a secret. She keeps biting her lip and not making eye contact. "Is everything okay" I ask her. She nods and turns away. "Really?". "Fine, Teddy is going to have a friend in nine months" she says. "Wait does that mean that you're..." Colby asks. Madi nods. I smile "omg that's awesome wait who's the dad?". Madi just smiles and hands Colby teddy before standing up and walking out.

  Colby puts Teddy in the little bed and sits beside me. He lays down under the thin blanket with me and wraps his arms around me. He pulls me into his chest. I put my face in the crook of his neck and close my eyes. "I love you and Teddy so so much" he whispers in my ear before we fall into a sleep full of dreams.

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