How is this possible?..

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*Alice's point of view*

I said goodbye to everyone that had come to my birthday party.

"Goodbye Auntie."

After people left, I locked the door and started to walk home because it wasn't that long.

While I was walking I felt eyes on me. I then heard someone say

"Wow, you have a great ass"

I turned around and there he was.. The one man I never thought I would see again. Jason McCann..

"J-Jason?" I could barely talk. I was frozen. I couldn't even think clear at that moment. "Missed me baby?" He asked and then everything went black..

*3 hours later*

I woke up in a room I've never seen before. I tried to stand up but my legs were paralyzed. I felt trapped in my own body. But I can't remember how I got here, nor where I am.

"Morning Princess" A man said.

I didn't even hear him come in.

"Where am I?" I asked and you could clearly hear the fear in my voice. "You're home." He said. I couldn't see who he was because of the lighting. "Home? But this isn't my room." I said and he took one step closer letting me see his face. "I know, but you're at your new home. With me. " he said and smirked. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. He looked annoyed. "Because I love you! are you really that dumb! God! You don't understand, you stupid bitch!" He said and slapped me then left the room. I sat there tears down my face while holding my cheek. He then came in again. "I'm so sorry. Please don't cry." He was about to touch my cheek when I backed away. "Don't touch me.. Get away from me" I said. A look of pain, hurt and madness was in his eyes as I said that. "Are you scared of me?" He asked, this time calm. "How could I not? you just hit me! It wouldn't be a surprise if you killed me instead." After I said that, I saw tears in his eyes. "You think I am a monster? I am protecting you Alice! You are such a brat sometimes!" He said and left again. What was he talking about? Protecting me? The only protecting I need is from being away from him. And about the love part, I can and will NEVER love Jason McCann.. He killed my brother and I am pretty sure I am next. I'm not letting him. Nah ah. I remembered I had my phone in my bra. Don't judge. It's actually a good place to keep it. I found it and dialed Yoselin's number. Yoselin is my best friend. We've been best friends since we were kids. She's like a sister to me. After about 1 minute she answered.

Y: Omg Alice! Are you okay! Where are you?

A: I don't know. But Jason kidnapped me. I-I am so scared Yos. Please come and get me..

Y: Don't worry, I'll find you okay?

A: Okay, just hurry please.

Y: I will. Just, don't show weakness.

A:Okay, bye.

Y: Bye.

I hung up and put my phone back. He then came in and said " Let me show you your real room." He picked me up bridal style and carried my to another room. It was light purple on one wall and white on the others. It had a queen sized bed and there was a really big closet. At that point, I knew I was staying for a bit.. "Hello?" He said while waving his hand in front of me. "Huh? What?" I asked. He looked pissed. "You didn't listen! I asked if you were hungry. " He said and I could hear in his voice that he actually cared about me. "No thank you. I'm fine. Just leave me alone." I said and he left the room. He slammed the door and I jumped a bit. I could then hear someone crying. I walked to the door and I peeked through the key hole. I saw him sitting against the stairs with his face in his hands. He looked up and he looked straight into my eyes. I quickly backed away and sat on the bed pretending I didn't even look. The door know turned and in walked.......

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! Don't hate me! I'll update when I get time! Love you all! -McCann'sGirl.

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