Chapter 13

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Min's POV

Mesmerizing, was it?

How can you know without looking?

That person is death, my good old friend

Will you survive by her side

If there is one more wish, I would wish for him to resurrect. I can't handle everything alone. Not now, not tomorrow and never.

Again I visited him in his hospital room. We got him a private room because..I'm not sure.

I walked in the hallways, people's eyes at me. I don't know but I feel like I did something bad in here. I looked everywhere and they were still looking at me. I wanted to ask them but I can't?

I reached the room but it wasn't him. Jungkook was not there, it was another person. "Uhm excuse me where is the guy in here?" The nurse looked at me in disgust What's wrong with these people?

I went near to the bed and saw a familiar person. "Jimin?" I was surprised "What's happening? I thought Jimin was.." I looked at the nurse and saw her bring something out. "Miss you need to stay away from the patient" I was confused, I don't know what's going on "You are a murderer" Was I?

I opened my eyes and saw the sun shining at the top of my head. I sat up straight and saw Jimin sleeping in a swivel chair. I walked up to him "Jimin-ah wake up and sleep at the bed" He fluttered his eyes open "Gaja".

I lied him down there, he's like my brother as always. I don't want to admit it but Jimin looks like Chimchim.

I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen. I needed water, that dream made me dehydrated. In the kitchen I saw Jin Hyung cooking. "Hyung what's cooking?" He chuckled "Secret" I nodded.

I plumped at the couch and opened the TV. "Noona~" Jungwon went towards me while rubbing his eyes. "Did you have enough sleep?" He nodded in my arms "Then why are you sleepy?" He chuckled "Your voice is like a lullaby, Noona".

That wasn't the first time he told me that but still I'm not immune to this. I just looked at him sleep in my arms. "Jungwon-ah sleep tight" I carried him carefully, scared of him waking up.

I placed him down his bed and left the room. I was in front of my room, unsure if I should enter or just pass by it. "It's mine anyway" I walked right in and saw Jimin reading the notebook "Sorry" I just shrugged "You won't understand anyway" He smirked.

"YAH!!!" I hit him hard in his head "You understood?!?" He nodded "I like him but there is something lacking.." I hit his head "Don't you dare tell anyone about it" I warned, he nodded then shook his head "How can you even read my hand writing?" He shrugged "I felt like I know someone with that hand writing".

We went down together and sure we caused a ruckus. "It's early in the morning and you're shouting" I mouthed sorry "Why are you even shouting?" I glared at Jimin "I did something bad" he chuckled.

I glared at him the whole time. I was worried he would tell them. "Yah Ji An!" I looked at him, he shivered "I'm older than you. Stop glaring" I huffed "How do you even know I'm younger than you?"

I didn't realize it but then. I went towards him "What are you saying?" I asked uncomfortably "I'm older than you, just like 10 seconds ahead" my eyes widen at what he said "What are you telling me?" He laughed "Why are you so slow?"

I ran out to where Taehyung and Suga is. "Hey-" They stopped when they saw my eyes "What is he saying?" They looked at me in confusion "JI AN-AH!" I looked at him and hid behind Suga "Don't say another word".

I didn't mean to be that nasty but what he said was untrue. "Ji An just believe me" The happy morning became a serious court of judgment "I saw him die.." Jin Hyung looked at me and patted my back "Where did you leave him?" I looked at him in a melancholic way "In the middle of nowhere near that big house".

They were all in a daze especially Suga and Namjoon. "Our presumptions are right" J-hope said "You all knew all along?" My voice squeaked "Not everyone" Jimin said "No! He's dead, I know that. Don't make me remember him more, it hurts".

I went out of that house and just went anywhere my feet took me. I can't just believe them. When I left him, he wasn't breathing or even moving, his heart stopped.

Taehyug's POV

I don't want to be mad at them but they made her more confused. "Tae are you mad?" I shrugged "How are you even sure he is her twin?" They looked at me and gave me something "Look all you want".

I almost wanted to rip the paper. "Jin Hyung what does this mean?" I went towards him with a heavy heart "You tried to kill them both?" I saw him look at me in shame "That's why I saved him!!" I punched him.

Yoongi Hyung and J-hope Hyung stopped me from hurting Jin Hyung. "He didn't do anything bad" Namjoon Hyung said "He needs to help himself somehow" I looked at Jimin "Aren't you mad at him?" He shook his head.

I just looked at them in disbelief "I thought we treated each other as brothers no secrets hidden" They all looked at me with hurt.

When I was walking away, I felt someone punch me. "You shouldn't be the one hurting Taehyung!" They just looked at Jimin burst "I was the one betrayed and yet you think you have the right to get mad" I laughed "You can't that's why I am".

I left him speechless, I hate it when we have fights like this. "I shouldn't have met my twin again if this was the case" I looked at him "I wish that wish would come true".

I saw them hurt more when I told Jimin that. I know he told me before, nightmares always visit him. He said that he should find that someone calling for him in his dreams but I knew at that time it would hurt if they knew each other again.

I went to where Jungkook was shot. I don't want to remember but this was a place I used to love until that incident. "Tae.." Hobi Hyung was in front of me "Don't be mad at them, they did their best to conceal everything" I huffed "I don't think I should care right now".


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