Adrilla knew that in order to keep Michael she was going to have to do something about Temperance Jane. She had to be eliminated from the picture somehow. She couldn't just disappear though. Michael would know and suspect her from the beginning. Wouldn't it be ironic though if she could make Temperance disappear the same way she had Eli? Then she, Eli and their unborn child could be together forever. Too obvious, because again she would be the first one Michael would suspect of Temperance's disappearance.
Temperance waited for Michael to arrive. He had called saying that they needed to talk. It was important. She had no idea what it was about but could guess it was concerning her and the baby. Michael had given John's talk a great deal of thought and he was sure he had come up with a possible solution. Now if he could only convince Temperance and then John.
Temperance thought he was out of his mind.
"You can't be serious." she exploded. The thought of what Michael suggested was revolting. How could he? "I won't do it. You can't make me. I would rather live destitute or die"!
Michael just stared at her. He could see that this was not going to be easy.
"All right Temperance. I will think of something else to help us out of this situation without hurting anyone else".
The one thing he had not told her was that Adrilla had murdered Eli. That might have made the difference, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He still needed to talk to Adrilla. Before he did that though he had to speak to John.
Michael could not find Adrilla anywhere. Where was she? This was his second search of the house. He was desperate to talk with her and he needed to do it very soon. He needed to let her know his decision.
Adrilla was in her secret place. She had found it years ago and had told no one about it. She would go there to seek peace, for solace, just to have time to herself. She had found a small room behind the fireplace that Michael had had added at the last minute when the house was being built. Once built and due to the excitement of the wedding and the course of leading a busy life, he had forgotten about it. Adrilla happened upon it one day quite by accident. Ever since then it had become her secret hiding place. Her place to get away from the world and be to herself. Now she was there contriving a way to get rid of Temperance- to join her with Eli so that they could be a family in death.
She could hear Michael looking for her. She would reappear in her own good time. Let him worry about her for a change. She was tired of being the one who did all the worrying. She was busy right now with more important things at the moment.
After several hours of looking, Michael finally gave up. He had to talk to John. He was worried about Adrilla but knew she would turn up. She couldn't have gone very far.
"John, I would like to introduce you to Temperance Jane Vett. Temperance Jane this is John Invicktus".
John couldn't believe he had agreed to Michael's plan. It had sounded ludicrous to start but had possibilities. Finally he had agreed. The only way to get Temperance to participate in the plan was to trick her. Michael had planned a dinner party and had invited both Temperance and John partnering them together at the dinner table. This was how they would get to know each other. His hope was that John who was looking for the love of his life, his eternal soul mate would find her in Temperance. At the same time he was in hopes that Temperance would see the kind of man John was and the love he could offer her and her unborn child. If it all worked out, it would certainly soften the blow when he told Temperance he was staying with Adrilla.
John and Temperance were drawn to each other immediately. They found they had so much in common. They both grew up without mothers. They both had to rise from the bottom of the heap to get where they were today. They were both only children and most important of all they were both seeking the love that would bring them true happiness. After dinner that night at Michael's, they knew they had to see each other again.
Adrilla finally came out of hiding. She knew Michael wanted to talk to her. She was pretty sure he was going to finalize the previous conversation telling her he was leaving her. But she had a plan of her own. She was not going to let Michael and Temperance break her heart anymore than they all ready had.