"Lovesick Idiots"

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Request: None

Words: 512 (these are all so short - I'll try and make them longer)

Pairing: Jughead x reader


The room was abuzz around me, the murmurs of my peers washing over me like waves over the sand. My gaze was fixed on a certain crown-beanie wearing boy sitting across the room, whose warm eyes were glued to the carpet, the words of his friends seemingly floating over his head.

It was as if the entire world was out of focus except for him and the small frown that formed between his eyebrows when he concentrated like he was now. I rolled my bottom lip into my mouth, watching him carefully.

After a moment his eyes flicked up from the dirty carpet to mine, his expression shifting from one of worry to a smug grin. I should've looked away - that would've been polite - but instead I smiled in return, my eyes still firmly fixed on his own.

I didn't know how much time passed, or how long it took for his friends to notice our intense staring and finally leave, but it seemed to take forever before the room was empty and he pushed himself off the desk he'd been sitting on. He lumbered over toward me, my toes curled inside of my worn canvas shoes as he approached.

"Hey," I began as he neared, internally wincing as my voice came out laced in nerves rather than the strong tone I'd imagined.

"Hi," Jughead replied, a small smile painted on his tired features.

"Hi," I mumbled in response, gnawing on my bottom lip as a million butterflies beat their wings violently in my stomach.

He chuckled lightly, coming to a halt right in front of me, his face mere inches from mine.

"Jughead..." I warned, but it came out half-hearted, my tone almost pleading him to ignore my warning.

He straightened infinitesimally, his face moving away from mine again and my body subconsciously moving forward to meet him until I stopped myself, straightened and moved my hungry eyes up from his lips.

"I thought you were the one staring at me all afternoon," he began, his tone was light but buried underneath the playfulness was an undertone of hurt.

I raised my hand up to his cheek, lacing my fingers through his hair and running my thumb across his cheekbone, "You stared back," I replied, wanting to sound angry but the small smile playing on my lips betrayed my anger.

He returned my smile leaning into my hand ever-so-slightly. I raised my other hand to him and pulled his head down to meet his lips. His hand moved down to my hip, his lips melding against my own. His other hand tangled in my (Y/H/C) hair.

I pulled away after a moment and rested my forehead against his, our breath mingling.

"You know what Kevin called us?" Jughead murmured, his breath fanning across my face as a small smile crept onto his usually stoic face.

"What?" I asked, my eyes fluttering shut and my lips twitching upward to match his.

He chuckled, the action sending a rumble through both of us, "Lovesick idiots."

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