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"Sapph! Wait!"

The brunette stopped in her tracks at the sound of her rival's voice. As she turned around, though, she found herself frowning as she watched the hat-clad young boy bringing with him a large bag.

She could already smell something fishy with that bag.

Nevertheless, she turned fully to him, her back facing the entrance of their hidden base.

"What'd ya want?" she asked.

Once Ruby stopped in front of her, he eyed her with hateful determination. He raised up the bag to meet her nose - or rather, her eyes.

She knew it. Her intuition was rarely wrong.

"Put this on," he demanded, already grabbing the contents out of the bag.

At that moment, Sapphire decided to flee but found herself pulled back by her neck by a red thread inside the hole of a threatening large needle.

She swallowed.

She knew better than to oppose Ruby from the two years she's been friends with him but still - why should she be obligated to listen to him and his selfish, dainty commands?

"Who says ya can order me around?" She struggled to break free of the thread, getting more and more frustrated when she couldn't even get her head out of the thread which the boy was holding with only one finger.

When did the sissy boy get that much strength?

Ruby started putting clothes on her. 

"Well, who said you could run around naked in the forest in this weather?"

"I'm not naked! These're the special outfits for lab-"

"Zipper your mouth."

She instinctively did so.

Once the boy was done, he made her sit down on the pikachu-plush chair that they bought in Slateport City that week. 

Sapphire looked at the coat he put over her. How could she work with this outfit?

"Don't even think about setting one foot outside of the cave, Sapph."

She was just about to do so. How did he know when he was in the kitchen area?

He came back with a faded red colored scarf. 

"This should do rather nicely, don't you think?"

He wrapped the scarf around her neck. 

Sapphire touched the scarf. It gave her a sense of...warmth. 

Ruby looked at his work, then sighed in satisfaction. "There, you can go now," he waved her off.

"And don't you dare take those clothes off or I'll make you wear a dress once I find out."

She couldn't help but think that he just didn't want her to shiver in the cold while he wasn't there. 

Sapphire smiled. At least he cared for her in the simplest ways even if he was still pretending to not remember what had happened that important moment.


I did this in five freaking minutes. Forgive me but I really wanted to publish something.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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