Epilogue - Turnings

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

"So, are you ready for this?" Rick shook the kinks out of the coil of rope he'd just finished looping.

"It's been a while," George shook his head. "Let's just take it easy up the East face." It was still early in the morning and the rocks on the cliff they planned to climb would be slick with dew. Rick pulled out his new climbing harness and George whistled, "Wow, top of the line, or what?!"

"Guilt gift," and Rick shook his head.

Rick and George were sitting in their room in Dickerman House. The B&B across town where Rick grew up was open, but it was Peter who now lived in the housekeeper's apartment, handling the day the day operations with the help of his Mother, Sarah. When Rick protested his having to move into school housing when his old rooms were available, his Mother put her foot down. She told him there was no way she was letting him live, unsupervised, under the same roof with the mastermind of the Great Train Caper, regardless of how much she liked Peter.

"Heard from your Mom this week?" George asked, careful not to make eye contact. George didn't need to be a telepath to see that in spite of what Rick might say, his friend was missing his Mom. George remembered those first few months when he'd started boarding school last year. Even with his brother and sister, and all the other kids who were in the same boat, George had been lonely. Rick hadn't really said much about it yet, but George got the sense that in some respects, his friend was trading one kind of loneliness for another. George knew that even when Rick was in New Orleans, it hadn't been easy. There were realities about having your Mom only awake during nighttime hours that took a while to sink in. Throw in a new full-time Father who happened to be a vampire King, and it was a lot of adjustments for any guy to make.

Everyone agreed that Rick remaining in New Orleans in the months immediately following his Mother's turning would be for the best. Arrangements were made and the school agreed that Rick could be privately tutored for the remainder of the current school year. Part of the deal was that Rick would also have instruction through a larger part of the summer to make up for his unsanctioned trip.

Aside from two weeks in late July, Rick hadn't been back to Chester at all before this Fall's semester started and the changes were many. For one, Rick lived with George, six other students, and the Rosens. The Rosens were the house parents at Dickerman. They were also instructors at the school and both of them were among those adults who quietly volunteered as donors for Rick.

"Yeah, she called," Rick shrugged. "Mom's sounding good. Better. I guess we all are."

"That's good," George smiled briefly. He knew better than to probe further.

As he seemed to do often, Rick thought about his time in New Orleans. For that first few months after his Mom became a vampire, Aunt Fran remained in New Orleans too. Every night Rick's Aunt would go to the Palace to talk with Rick's Mom. Mostly they talked alone, leaving Rick to hang out with Pam or even Eric from time to time. After a couple weeks, a professional counselor started coming to the Palace as well to spend time with his Mom and she traded off time with Aunt Fran. That worked out okay because Aunt Fran would insist they all play cards or games. It passed time and got everyone talking.

Aunt Fran staying was also the excuse Rick needed to not move into the Palace. Rick knew that his resistance was hurting his Mom's feelings, but he just didn't feel like he could stand the idea of living twenty-four/seven in Vampire Central. Aunt Fran supported Rick at first, but eventually, even she told him that he needed to make peace with whatever was gnawing at him and announced she was headed home. And so, Rick moved to a suite of rooms on the floor just below the one his parents used.

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