Cup Phones

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Disclaimer: I. Do. Not. Own. Grown. Ups. *cue sob*

Chapter 6

Mia's POV

Evening came pretty quickly after the arrow incident and the Feders were packing their bags again. I hate to think that tomorrow might be the last time I'll wake up in Greg's arms. I wonder if the nightmares will come back... I seriously hope not.

I finally found out the names of the three mystery girls that arrived this afternoon. There's Jasmine, Amber and Bridget. Jasmine and Amber doesn't look like Rob and I think 95 percent of them are from the mother 'cause you can't get that from Rob Hilliard. On the other hand, Bridget looks exactly like Rob: the same hairdo, the same voice and the same big eyes.

Roxanne suggested that I help her pack her things up 'cause she managed to draw a couple of designs and asked my opinion on it.

THE Roxanne Feder asking me for my opinion on one of the top notch designs. That doesn't happen very often!

I was helping Roxanne fold her clothes and place it into the suitcase when suddenly she stopped. "Excuse me, Princess Rita? Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna help us?"

"No, Mr. Feder said I must study for the big final!" Rita said.

"What final?" Roxanne exclaimed.

"You tell me! He just keeps handing me books!"

"Oh, never mind!" Roxanne said getting the book out of Rita's hands. "Did you pack the adapters for Italy?"

"Yes, I did in LA."

"Great, just wipe your hands, I need you to organize this papers in here. Very neatly, okay? They cannot be ruined." Roxanne said while dialing her phone.

"Hello. Hi, this is Roxanne Feder. I just want to make sure-"

"Mommy, mommy! It came out, it came out!" Becky ran in the room. I looked up and smiled at her.

"Wait, honey, I'm on the phone, okay." Roxanne hushed.

"My tooth! It fell out." Becky gestured.

"That's great, honey. Just put it under the pillow and I'll put a dollar in there, okay?" Roxanne said. Uh oh, I thought as I saw how Becky's face fell. It looked so sad like someone just kicked her puppy, which is much worse, well for me..

"What?" Becky asked.

"Becky, I'm on the phone! I'll put the dollar under-" Roxanne exploded, and then realization hit her like a bucket of cold water.

"Why would you? There's no tooth fairy?" She asked sadly and bolted out of the door.

Roxanne looked at me and I just gave her a small smiled and followed Becky.

I found her downstairs, on the porch swing, crying silently.

"Hey, Becky... Come here." I opened my arms to her and she ran immediately into it. I hugged her tight and soothed her by brushing her hair. I kept on thinking how could I make this little girl smiled again and then I thought of an idea.

"Becky, do you want to do something fun?" I asked her, she pulled away slightly from me and I wiped the tears away from her eyes.

She nodded at me and I smiled at her. I pulled her into the kitchen and found some paper cups and some strings, then we went running upstairs to our room.

"Guys, let's make cup phones!" I exclaimed immediately when we got in. Everyone looked at me like I grew two heads, but when they saw the tear streaked face Becky had, they all agreed.

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