Wind of the Storm

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*Ducks from throwing knife*


Hey guys I know it's been forever but I have a lot on my hands like,school,soccer,and I'm in three clubs! Not to mention I'm writing my own book. But I'm back now,and to make up for my absence I am going to put out 3 chapters today! That's right 3! So enjoy this chapter of Mark of the Tengu Duo! STORM!

Fanaticfanficlover disappearing into the pages! At least I'll try to get three in We'll see.

Kageyama yawned as he awoke from his peaceful slumber. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. Kageyama could smell breakfast being made in the kitchen,he sighed and threw back the covers of the bed he shared with Hinata,and walked into the bathroom to wash his face. After a quick shower,Kageyama got dressed and went into the kitchen,where his breakfast was waiting for him on the table. Hinata was already eating his helping of eggs,bacon and toast. Kageyama yawned a sleepy good morning before plopping down onto his seat and beginning to eat. Hinata was done first and told Kageyama he'd be in the shower.Kageyama heard the shower being turned on and turned on the TV to see if their was anything interesting to watch. He found a channel that was featuring a volleyball game and sat watching the screen intensely. Hinata came back with a black and orange long sleeved shirt on and some baggy gray pants. He saw the Tv and grinned.

"Who's winning?" Hinata asked as he joined Kageyama on the couch,where Kageyama had moved to after finishing breakfast.Kageyama wrapped an arm around Hinata's shoulders before grunting;

" Japan's in the lead by 2 points."

Hinata nodded and curled up against his boyfriend. Kageyama looked at Hinata fondly. His eyes strayed from his lover to the window. How could someone abandon a kid this sweet and cute? Kageyama was going to give Hinata's parents hell if he ever met them. Kageyama turned off the television and looked at Hinata who was pouting.

" Why'd you turn it off?" Hinata asked. Kageyama rolled his eyes.

" We need to go grocery shopping. We're almost out food." Kageyama said. Hinata's mouth formed a little 'o' and he nodded. Kageyama smiled and leaned down to peck his cheek.

" Go get your jacket and then we can go."

Hinata jumped up and ran down the hall. Kageyama heard a door slam and he sighed and put on his own black volleyball jacket and grabbed his phone. Hinata came running back into the room with his jacket on and a grin on his face.

"Ready!" Hinata yelled. Kageyama chuckled and ruffled his small boyfriends hair.

"Then let's go."

The two walked out of the small apartment locking it behind them,and greeting their neighbors before walking to the bus stop hand in hand. Hinata babbled on about nothing in paticuler. Kageyama nodded every now and then to show he was listening. There were three other people at the bus stop a man, and two teens that looked like a couple. The couple smiled at their interlocked hands. The girl tugged her boyfriend over and smiled again.

" Hey! I'm Lucy and this is Natsu!" Lucy said,she had long blonde hair and doe brown eyes. Natsu had spiky pink hair and onyx eyes that narrowed. He grinned at them,Hinata grinned back. Kageyama was more cautious and stepped closer to Hinata. Natsu noticed this and smiled.

"Don't worry! We support LGBTQ community! Two of our friends,Sting and Rouge, are gay!" he said

Kageyama relaxed a bit but tensed when the other man at the bus stop muttered;


Kageyama saw red. Natsu bared his teeth and Lucy glared,Hinata frowned.

"What was that?" Natsu growled. Kageyama was surprised. Natsu seemed like such a lax guy. This was completely different from his nice cheerful personality that was shining so brightly before was gone and replaced with a dark pressuring aura.The man smirked and replied;

"I called those two and your friends a bunch of faggots."

Kageyama was on him in a second grabbing him by the scruff of the neck. It was his turn to smirk at the man who was terrified.

" Let go of him Kags he's not worth it." Hinata said behind him. Kageyama recognized the tone that his boyfriend was using. He smiled.

Hinata was pissed the hell off.

And Kageyama knew why. This fucker just insulted his boyfriend and he would not let that slide.

Hinata stepped up and whispered something in the mans ear making the man go pale and nod,before scurring away. Natsu glared after him while Lucy held onto his arm.

" Now that thats over what school do you guys go to?"
Hinata asked.

Natsu laughed and replied;

" Fairy Tail High!" Kageyama was shocked once more Fairy Tail high was a hard school to get into!The bus pulled up and Natsu and Lucy waved goodbye before getting on'.The two were greeted by a black spiky haired dark eyed man without a shirt on and a blue hair light blue eyed girl who was holding the others hand. Natsu and the other guy started yelling at eachother.The bus pulled away and a few minutes later another bus pulled up and the couple got on. 

THATS RIGHT I PUT THE FAIRY TAIL GANG IN THERE! MY NALU SHIP AND GRUVIA SHIP IS ALSO IN THERE HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! So anyways hope you guys liked it! Fanaticfanficlover dissapering into the pages! *Throws cookie before going away*

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