Chapter 1 - Boys will be boys

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«Wanna see something super-cool?» Reita asked him, while he was using their free time to relax and smoke, after the encoré.

Aoi moved his eyes to look at his friend, raising an eyebrow with a curious expression «I found it last week...and it's what every man should try at least once!» the bassist chuckled while taking out his phone from the pocket «why you always think about sex, uh?» giggled Aoi, amused to see Reita starting to dial a number «I feel fine thinking about it...and until I get a girlfriend, this is my only outlet» continued the blondie, pressing quickly the smartphone on his friend's ear «Welcome to the erotic phone service Nice Voices, pure pleasure for your ears» the guitarist heard talk a nice, robotic voice and his eyes darted to the collegue «you're sick» he said to a chuckling Reita «c'mooon, try it! Even two minutes, number is my favourite!» grinned the bassist, touching the said number on the phone's numpad «you have chosen voice number five. Thank you for being our client!» kept on talking the registered voice and after few seconds of deep silence, through the telephone came a sweet and malicious, female voice, that talked with slow and soft cadence «moshi-moshi?» «yeah hello, my wanker friend wanted me to try and talk with you» the cold and harsh voice of Aoi made Reita blush, but the girl on the other side of the conversation made a little laugh «aah, I see! And I have the pleasure to talk with...?» she asked.

Aoi moved his dark eyes on Reita's face, that urged him to go on with the call «I'm Yuu, the dumass here near me is Akira» spoke the guitarist, starting to relax his back against the sofa where he was sitting from the start, putting out his cigarette in the nearest ashtray «Aki-chan's friend? I recognized just now his number» responded the girl, that was lying on her bed, in her apartment «what you want to talk about? I'm here to listen to everything: how's going your job, what's the weather...or I could describe you what I'm wearing right now» her voice became a whisper in Aoi's ear, talking naughtly.

Reita, near his friend, was starting to sweat a little «Aki-chan? How many times someone need to call to get such a cute nickname?» pressed the guitarist with an evil grin on his face «Just once, Yukkun...» aswered the girl rolling on her stomach, taking a little block notes from the near nightstand «but Aki-chan is calling a lot lately, so I almost memorized his number...if you're so interested in your friend, you can turn up the phone's speakers and be our voyeur» she joked with a smile, taking a pencil to start drawing on the notebook in front of her «W-wha?? Don't even think about it!» he whispered on Aoi's shoulders, where he was perched to listen the conversation «No thanks, I have other fetishes...and I'm the listener type too, so why don't you tell me about your day?» he said while making fun of the red cheeks of his blond friend.

The girl's voice came out confused, from the phone «uh? My day?» she asked astonished, detatching the pencil's tip from the paper.

People always called for many other reasons, but if that guy wanted to listen, so be it: she was paid by minutes on the phone, not the quality of the calls «Well I got up really early this morning because my cat wanted to eat» she started to draw again, sketching a little black kitty «then I had breakfast with some music on the background, I made myself pretty for the day and now I'm here with you, my dear Yukkun» she giggled «even if you're not the first call, today...there are always guys calling in the middle of the night before their wives had headaches».

While the girl was talking, Reita stretched his hand to his phone «you're burning up all my money, you should've asked something sexy!!» he hissed « we just finished a fucking concert, you really thought I was ready to jerk off?» Aoi's ironic reply got cut off by a soft plin! from the other side of the call «sorry boys, I have an urgent's ok to call me back this evening?» she said with a calm voice and the guitarist shrugged, even if she couldn't see him through the phone «Aki-chan will call, I'll be in my home making something better than disturb a young lady» answered Aoi and after he gave back the phone to his owned, the man took his second cigarette of the day, lighting it between his lips.

Reita put the phone on his own ear, but he only heard the soft sound of the terminated call «aww great now I can't even vent out all the adrenaline!» said the blond guy, while Aoi was getting up from the sofa, the cigarette in his mouth and his dear guitar in the hand «you know, Rei, there's something called immagination...use it, it works pretty well!» laughed the guitarist, before heading out of the dressing room.

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