Chapter 3 - Spring Smoker

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After a long day of recordings, Aoi got out of the room and went towards the emergency stairs to light himself a cigarette, after the many hours in which he couldn't smoke because of his busy hands.

On his way he saw Reita passing near him to go record his own bass pieces and when the two met in the hallway, the blondie winked at the collegue, taking his own hand near the masked face with only the little finger and the thumb stretched out of his fist «fuck off» the guitarist addressed him with an amused smile.

Some days have passed since that first call and sincerely Aoi's mind made some thought on it, maybe he would've try some other 'voice' of that not-so-clean service, but have been told to do it by Reita was utterly against his pride.

When the guitarist got out, breathing the crisp spring air, he put a cigarette between his lips and lit it with a small, slow gesture of the lighter.

He took the cellphone, then, searching for the bassist's text where he wrote down the number of the service.

Why not? Have a chat from time to time wouldn't be bad and it was only entertainment between recordings, nothing more.

Aoi dialed the number, waited for the taped welcoming voice and chose the fifth voice awaiting for her to answer «moshi-moshiii?» came the sweet voice of the girl on the other side and the guitarist leaned against the handrail, looking at the city in front and below him «Oi, g'morning» said, without knowing perfectly how to start a conversation.

Somewhat he felt embarassed to make those calls, maybe a little 'dirty' thinking about it «mmmh I know this nice voice...Yukkun?» asked the girl, the ghost of a smile that could be heard in her voice «exactly, it's me again» he answered with a low chuckle «you have a lot of memory, if you remember me» «you have a very intriguing tone that's not so much around...if the company opens the male section, you could get a lasting job and a sea of fangirls!» she laughed on the other side of the call, making him giggle too «nah thanks, I already have a satisfying job» he exhaled the smoke that he took in while the girl was talking, looking the smoke thin out in the weak sunrays «tell me Yukkun, why you called today? Chit chatting or something more spicy? I'm all yours» whispered her and Aoi closed his eyes, feeling the embarassment growing inside of his chest «just talk...we're in the middle of the day, anyway. If you hear me after the sunset, maybe it could be for something else» he murmured to not be heard by anyone aside the girl on the line, taking a deeper breath from the filter of the cigarette and let out the smoke from his parted lips «it's ok, don't worry. I already had shy guys before, nothing to be ashamed, how's the work? You didn't tell me what kind of job is yours, Yukkun» she started to talk with a calm and relaxed tone, like she was speaking with an old friend.

That particular helped him calm down a little «not bad, everything's going well. I work in the musical field, along with Akira and some other friends» he started to tell without saying to much details, to avoid future problems «ohhhh nice! I love music!» she exulted cheerfully «so you sing? With this soft and silken voice you have to sing!» the girl giggled, making Aoi chuckle while putting out his cigarette in the ashtray that he took with him from the record room «I sing from time to time, but I mainly play the I want the one to ask something» he blurted out before she could talk «it annoys me if someone knows my name without telling me yours...what's your name?» he asked and for a bunch of seconds he could only hear a deep silence «Oi? Too much personal?» he pressed and the girl coughed out a little embarassed chuckle «n-no, nope! It''s ok, but you know in this job no one ever ask for my name so I...I wasn't prepared for that question! You know...the voice is the only thing that matters» she talked with now a lower tone and Aoi almost could imagine a little smile ride across her mouth «I'm Flaminia, but it's a mouthfull so you can call me Fura-chan».

The guitarist grinned softly to hear that peculiar name, puzzled by its exoticism «Fura-chan, mh? Ok's nice to meet you too, then» laughed taking another cigarette, lighting it quickly.

Aoi spent nearly an hour on the phone with Flaminia, talking about this and that, of what he loved, liked or hated, finding himself even more curious to know that kind of face the girl had «now I need to go back, see ya Fura-chan» said the man after his third cigarette «Ok, have a nice day Yukkun! Hope to hear you soon--» she chirped softly.

Aoi tightened his grip around the phone «tomorrow» he murmured almost like a promise and cut off the call, exhaling deeply as the display of his smartphone turned off temporarily.

The guitarist saved that number so he didn't have to dial it everytime and, with a strange smile on his face, he got back inside the building hearing Kai calling him for their last record of the day.

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