Chapter 8

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Crazy bus driver

(8 days before the accident)

Jeremy's P.O.V

I can't explain it but the feeling of something terrible happening can't seem to go away, it's as if it was burning into my head and it's all I can think about, even right now sitting in the cafeteria with everyone talking about their plans for the break.

"Jer, you okay? You seem out of it today." Joyce furrowed her brows and looked to me in an intuitive way.

"Yeah, it's fine I just, I'm fine. Really." It's probably nothing right?

Probably just my imagination. Nothing bad will happen. Well not that bad it's gonna be okay.

"You sure? You've been spaced out for a few days now." Her face expressed absolute worry.

"It's just I have this... feeling that... something bad is going to happen. I don't know what it is but it just won't go away. It's probably nothing though just... paranoia." I tried keeping my face as serious as possible so she'll know it's completely fine.

"Okay." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"So, are we gonna do something together over break?" Rodney looks around waiting for An answer.

"I could do something." Illiana shrugged.

"Yeah, me too, I dont have plans for break." I smiled genuinely excited to spend some time with my friends.

"I can't make it; family trip." Xander shrugged with sadness in his eyes, "I'll see you guys later, I actually have to go to practice right now." He smiled and hugged me before walking away.

Me, per usual, stiffened like a raw potato. I watched as his body disappeared behind the cafeteria door.

"So, where could we go?" Rod asked.

"We could have a beach day." Joyce suggested.

"Yeah that sounds like fun." Rodney smiled joyously, "I have to go though, I have to mset up with someone, we have a project together. See you all in class." He got up and walked out with the same toothy smile as before.

"Don't you all think Rodney has been acting really happy lately?" Leslie looked to us a look of questioning in her face.

"When isn't he?" A light laugh escaped my lips at the conclusion of this sentence.

Because it's true, I don't remember an instance when Rod wasn't a happy lil' dumpling.

"I mean happier. Like don't tell me you've ever seen him act like that, it's got to be something... or someone. Maybe his 'partner' is a little more to him than he makes it out to be." Oh Les, you and your conspiracies.

"Maybe, I mean he has been acting kinda off lately and I don't think it's about break, right?" Illiana leaned forward siding with Leslie trying to get us to understand their point.

Well, they do have one, Rodney has been kinda more joyous and it's saying something with that.



"Hey there princess." My body stiffened, the hairs on the back of my neck stood, my eyes widened, my mouth went dry, I couldn't move, I know that voice.

"M-M-Martin." Just the sound of his name made my body grow more tense.

I closed the door to my locker and turned to see him looking down at me.

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