Chapter 16

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New perspective

(One day before the accident)

Jeremy's P.O.V

I got to the desired place, the place. I saw that Xander was already there sitting on a bench looking down at his phome. I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder shyly. He jumped and looked back at me.

"Oh hi, you scared me." He stood up and greeted me.

He's acting really natural, as if nothing ever happened. As if we didn't just make out in the bathroom at school.

"Hi." I stood in front of him looking down at my feet.

"You wanna sit down?" He asked.

I nodded.

I can't really talk right now and I don't know why.

We sat down on the bench in just sat in silence for a while. A silence somewhere between awkward and not.

"So, about what happened." I looked at Xander as he spoke, "I-I'm really sorry. I just, I couldn't help it." He looked away from me.

"H-help what?" He looked at me when I said that.

"You know what." He's right, I do, I just don't know what to say.

"Xander, I don't understand what's going on. Like what did it even mean? I don't understand anything." I looked to him confused.

He looked at me with a blank look on his face.

"I... do you want to know how I feel?" He paused a minute and waited for my response, a respond I never gave him.

"When I'm with you I feel... happy. I feel like I can be myself, I can touch the moon when I'm with you, I can breathe underwater, I can climb to the tallest mountain and back. You make me feel something so strange and I had no idea what I felt and when I found out I just couldn't help myself anymore. I just..." My eyes never once left his as he spoke.

Although I wanted to, I really wanted to. I couldn't stop looking at him. I've dreamt of him looking at me and telling me that he felt something for me, something more than friendship, and I though that was enough. Until right now, now that it's really happening. I finally was able to look away from him after a while only managing to get my eyes to look downwards.

I have no idea what to say, I feel so conflicted right now. Should I tell him what I feel or what? What do I do?

"I-I..." I looked back to his eyes, "I don't know- I feel the same way. For years. I've felt this strange... attraction. I had no idea what it meant until I saw Glee for the first time. It helped me realize that liking boys wasn't wrong and I realized that, that was what I felt, for you. I-I like you, a lot." I spoke with so much emotion that I felt my chest actually start to hurt, it hurt so bad.

"I like you too." Was all he said.

His eyes darted to my lips for a moment right before he started leaning in slowly. His eyes closed fully along with ny own when our lips touched. Sparks flew everywhere in my mouth. I was sucked into one blissfull action. I used my hands to grip his shirt tightly and he used his to wrap around me, one on my mid-back the other some where along my shoulders. His lips moved against mine in soft, smooth motions. He was being so gentle and loving, I liked it but I wanted more. Our lips parted for a second before they were back on each others all over again. This time it was as if he'd read my mind because our lips moved against one another's feverishly as if this would never happen again. Even though we knew it would. His teeth pulled on my bottom lip lightly and I groaned.

After a while we pulled away both completely breathless with our foreheads leaning up against one another.

"Jeremy, will you be my boyfriend?" I could feel I smile break out on my lips.

"Yes. I will." He smiled as if his life just became a whole lot better.

"We can't tell anyone yet though. I have a surprise for them, I have it all planned out so please don't tell anyone."

"Okay I won't tell anyone." I smiled at him feeling curious about what plan he's talking about.

"Thanks." He seemed to want this 'plan' to be kept secret from me too so I didn't ask what it was.

Xander's P.O.V

(During the 20 questions game a while back in the story, after the accident)

"Okay umm... Xander, you dating anyone?" All attention focused on me and I knew why.

Honestly last week I would have had no idea but now I realize. But they don't know, they probably wouldn't believe it. Not to mention I would ruin the surprise. I'm confident that Jeremy will remember everything, he will remember me and the things we did and talked about in the old playground, our place. Where we first met. A playground so old the bench we sat in made noises with every move and the games were impossible to play on.

"No." I answered.

No emotion in my voice, none. Even though I wanted to shout to the whole world that the wonderful boy sitting in the same room is shockingly my boyfriend, he is mine. I miss him, so much, the feeling of his lips in mine, the feeling of his body in my arms, but I have to be patient. Watching Glee must have sparked something in him right? This show means to much so him. He told me. I want nothing more than to reach over to him and hold his face so his lips meet mine. I love him. We stared dating less than a day before he almost died. My love almost died. I should have insisted on driving him home that day. If I did then I would be able to hold him whenever I want. But my amazing boyfriend is a hero, he saved a life that day. Unfortunately he lost his. But he's gonna get it back, I believe in him. He's strong.

"Xander, it's your turn." Joyce looked at me worried.

Oh right, I have to ask a question.

When I did the game continued without anymore awkward pauses.


Okay so first of Xander's P.O.V it won't happen very often. If you're wondering what chapter this was from because you don't remember of something then I'll tell you it was chapter 5 right after they watched Glee together. Anyways this chapter is sorta on the shorter side but I was rushing through it while I was at my grandmother's house today for mothers day so, sorry. Anyways I hope you all like this chapter, I'll update, hopefully, on Monday if next week again, thanks for reading.

May 14, 2017

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