Hanzo X Reader (Part 7)

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A/N: WOOOO GUYS! Dear god you guys love to give me heart attacks! 5k! Alright il leave you be too read this... Interesting chapter~
Such a strong word.
Such a strong name.
Such a strong label.

You hated that group, that force of villains that terrorized innocent cities.
Destroyed communities and killed multiple men, women and children. And all for pleasure, power.
They were hungry-no starving for power. So of course took others happiness away, like demons chomping away on innocent souls.
After being informed that you were fighting Talon, it seemed as if your secession had to be doubled.
You could not loose this fight.
You could not fail your friends.
Your could not fail all the people counting on you.
You could not fail, Hanzo.

The group was finally set place at a fancy hotel, everyone doing there own work. You were organizing all the weapons, cleaning refilling the bullets and arrows, etc.
Hanzo and Genji, fought non stop they trained too the point of blood and bruises and you always had to come back to scold them like children.
Lena was working on the computer, downloading important files about the area and helping Reinhardt who was pinning down some paper on the walls.
And Junkrat, well Junkrat...

"YELLOOOO LADIEEEESSS" boomed a voice over the the entrance. You took a long sigh and rolled your eyes over too the Aussie.
He was drunk, so too say.
Slurring over his words, drooling and wobbling catching his step ever so often.
You stood up, and while you swiftly headed to the kitchen you barely heard Lena whisper over too Reinhardt.
"He's sooooo drunk." Giggled the Brit, trying to bite off her laughter and then you heard a face palm guessing it was Reinhardt.
You turned off the sink, and rushed over the room one second before you stepped in.
Junkrat literally threw a vase at the window, shattering both into millions of shards. They shone against the moonlight, and the glass glittered almost menacingly. You gasped, shaking your head in disappointment. Lena was in tears of laughter, holding her stomach and rolling on the floor. Reinhardt shook his head and took some gloves he found on the counter and started to pick up the glass.
You however, took the Aussie by the collar, picked him up and headed toward the bathroom too clean him up.
Junkrat decided to take this as an advantage, before you entered the door of the bathroom. He tossed you over the wall took you by your shoulders and...
Smashed his lips into yours.
Your eyes widened and you couldn't push away by the force.
Everything started to go down hill.

You heard loud footsteps and voices in the hallway, and you froze in horror as the entrance door pushed over.
Hanzo and Genji.
Junkrats lips were still on yours and  at the corner of Junkrats shoulder your eyes widened too see a absolutely enraged Hanzo. Genji just froze in shock, and Hanzo face red from anger growled and walked away quickly into his room he shared with Genji.
You pushed Junkrat on the floor, and looked over at Genji apologetically. Genji shook his head, and you imagined an understanding smile underneath his mask.
"Do not fret, i will take care of this, you go and talk to my brother." He declared grabbing the passed out Aussie hanging loosely around his shoulders.
You thanked him and ran towards the room Hanzo was located in.
Your took a deep breath, and knocked the door, no answer.
"Hanzo it's me! Please it's not what you think." You frowned.
"Leave." You heard an annoyed tone from the other side, anger but sadness laced his deep voice.
"Please I can explain! Trust me!" You almost begged, holding the door with your palms and sighed. Suddenly you heard a click, on the other side and the door slowly pushed open as you almost tripped after the sudden action.
You frowned, Hanzo just sat on the bed taking off his battle armour and his bow nearly set down on the side of his bed.
"Look, Junkrat was drunk-" you began explaining the story, "- I promise it's not what you think."
Finishing your phrase with a gentle movement with your hand, and looking at the man straight in the eyes.
"I apologize for my behaviour... I was just..." He shook his head in confusion.
What was he feeling?
Was he "jealous"?
"I don't know what I felt, I never... Felt this before, it's so sudden and came to me so quickly..."  He began, but closed his hands into fists and slammed them onto his lap.
"What is this emotion? Why was my blood boiling...?" He continued, you never had seen him so worried. You were as confused as he was, why was Hanzo jealous about things that were about you?
"I really don't know Hanzo... I really don't know..." You frowned, slightly turning your head towards the man, willingly stopping yourself from trying to walk over to him with great difficulty.
As if the wind, was moving both of your heads at the same time, your eyes landed on a single sheet of paper rustled up on the floor. Hanzo tilted his head ever so slightly, and bent over too pick the paper gently in his firm hands. You were curious so you slowly skipped over too Hanzo, and gently sat on the bed a little farther from Hanzo then you preferred but better for this situation.
The letters in sight, you noticed the letters where in Japanese, you looked at it in disapproval. Hanzo however, mumbled the words in his mother-language and his tongue rolled over the words so freely. As if he hadn't spoke the language in a long time.
His eyes widened, and a little shine of brightness cleared over his orbs.

"Tommorrow." Hanzo muttered. "Tommorrow at 6:30... Meet me at the Center of Tokyo." He said, with confidence and your mind was in the middle of a jigsaw puzzle.
"Tommorrow? Wait where? Center of Tokyo? Is this a date!?" You mentally freaked out.
"Y-yeah s-sure... I u-uh am obviously not busy! Not like I- uh normally am! I just-" you stuttered, failing every single one of your words. So to finish you just said.

"Yes see you Tommorrow!" You grinned, even if your cheeks flared you still mustered up some courage.
"Indeed, Y/N." Hanzo smiled, his chocolate brown eyes drifted into yours. You curled a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to look cute, but your bangs hung over your eyes and you pouted blowing them off. Hanzo chuckled for a moment, and took a moment too appreciate how beautiful you are.
You smiled goofily and walked out of the door, and before you left you gave him a small, awkward, but not so awkward wave.
Feeling giddy and excited, a feeling you haven't felt in years washed over you. You couldn't help but smile, and the others noticed your behaviour, but you didint care. Because thanks too, Drunk Junkrat. You were going on a date with Hanzo!

Before you jumped into bed, you stopped and froze.

What did the paper say?

What made Hanzo... So "excited" for this evening?

And why was he so...

A/N: Ooo a date with Hanzo!? I believe lots of you were waiting for this!

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