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Cam came home after a week. Well technically we went to his house. All time low had a few shows to play around 3 states and Cam invited us to stay with him. We didn't officially start dating not that quick. It was okay though I had a lot on my plate at the moment. I was looking for a job because soon Tori and Zay would be going to pre school and I couldn't stay home doing absolutely nothing. Alex had told me that he'd talk to the label to see if they could sign me, they had heard me sing I just couldn't do sign at the moment they wanted me too. The twins hadn't been born yet and after they were born they had asked again but I couldn't once again. Tori and Zaiden were currently taking a nap upstairs and I was waiting on Cameron to finish showering. I was watching  American Horror Story when Cam walked over. "Which season is this?" "Freak show." I answered , he lifted my legs up and sat down to watch. "Your favorite season?" "Yep!" "I should've know." He chuckled. We watched a couple of episodes, I turned to face him and he was asleep. I tried to get up with out waking him. I thought I was succeeding but when I was about to get up, his arms wrapped around my waist smoothly. "Don't go." "I have to go check on Tori and Zay." He let me go and I walked up stairs to the room the twins were sharing and checked on them. They were heavily sleeping, I didn't blame them they hadn't gotten much sleep since the lake incident. I walked down stairs and headed for the couch. I took a picture of Cameron sleeping. "Hey delete that." "I thought you were asleep." "I was but you woke me up." "Oh yeah sure." He pulled me down on the couch with him. He rested his head in my chest and kept his arms wrapped around my waist. I played with his hair for a while, slowly I fell asleep.

"Mommy?" Tori called. I opened my eyes and saw that Can and I were in the same position we were after AHS. Tori raised her eyebrow. I moved slowly and started unwrapping Cam's arms. "Lyn" he groaned. Tori giggled, "You think that's funny monkey?" "Yep." "Try tickling him." "Tori don't do it." "Okay" she walked off "Tori is just like you Lyn." " I hope so Cam after all she is my daughter." He smiled, Zay cam running down the stairs. He jumped on the couch and started tickling Cam. "I didn't tickle you." Tori smirked. We laughed and I took Zay. "Where's my brownie Tori?" Zay asked. "I'll give it to you later." I looked at both of my twins. "She promised me a brownie." Zay shurgged. "Well do you guys want to eat then?" They all nodded. "Cam you want to take us?" "Of course Lyn." He kissed my cheek and went upstairs to grab his stuff. Tori and Zay high fived and ran upstairs. I walked behind them. I changed them and fixed their hair and put in their shoes. When I finished I walked over to Cameron's room and went into his bathroom. The boy had a marvelous mirror. I fixed my hair and changed my clothes and shoes quickly. "You look beautiful." I looked at him through the mirror. "Thank you Cam. You don't look half bad yourself." "Compared to you I'm lucky to look half good." "Stop being cheesy." "You love me though." I smiled "Of course I do doofus" "So since I never got to ask..." "Yes?" "Carolyn Gaskarth would you make me the happiest guy and be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" He smiled, and lifted me up in his arms, twirled me and put me down. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. Sparks instantly jumped around everywhere. Our lips moving in sync for the few treasured seconds made my day. He pulled back and we just smiled. "Picture?" "To tell the world that you're mine?" I smiled and nodded "Of course" we took a picture and we both posted it.

Can't believe that after so long, we're together. xoxo

@CameronHurley After wanting a chance with you for years I finally get it

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After wanting a chance with you for years I finally get it.

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