Ticci Toby x Reader

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I yell before everything goes black.
I wake up yelling, "it was just a dream" I say to myself as I wipe the tears away from my eyes.
I just sit there for a bit then I get up tiredly and I put my slippers on.
I open the door and I am greeted by Chester, my little pitbull puppy jumping at my feet.
I wipe my nose with my sleeve and I walk into the bathroom down the hall from my room, i do my business and I brush my teeth then I go back to my room and I pick out my clothes for the day that includes, my red plaid shirt, my sky blue skinny jeans, my red converse and a blue beanie, I walk back to the bathroom and I walk to the mirror and I brush my hair and I curl it and I put my beanie on.
"I'm finished here" I say to Chester,
I walk out of the bathroom and I walk downstairs to see what my parents were doing, I get half way down the stairs before I hear a huge crash coming from the living room, "this is how my dream went" I whisper to myself and Chester as my eyes widen. I walk a little ways more to see what the huge crash was, I went down enough to expose two bodies on the ground, but these weren't any bodies they were my parents bodies and they weren't just laying on the ground because they were tired, they were dead. "This is way to freaky"
I say to myself as I look at Chester who is sitting right beside me on the stairs, he tilts his head "this is exactly like the dream I had earlier"
I say as I freeze in shock as I see a man walking away from my parents dead bodies, the man was wearing a brown-ish sweater which buttons up with striped sleeves, blue jeans with red splattered all over them, and worn out shoes, he wore goggles and some metal thing that went over his mouth and he had two axes in either side of a tool belt around his hips,he wore a hood on his head that covered the rest of his head and he had brown blood stained hair. i hear a bark and look over at Chester then back at the man and he is staring right back at me, my eyes widen as I stumble to get up, "no" I say whimpering, the man comes closer and closer and I can't move because I'm in shock. He raises an ax above his head "NOOOO!" I yell before the room spins and everything goes black.

Ticci Toby x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now