Finding What Was Once Lost

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Ann’s POV

One look at the frowning sky and you can tell outright what’s in store. The clouds are getting heavier and darker than usual and people are walking with uncalculated haste towards their own cars to get on the road before they’re closed. Just a few tables off the outside patio of The Half- Price Books sit a gentleman of a generous age. He is surprisingly unaffected by the on-going commotion. I wonder if maybe he is waiting for someone. What if that someone doesn’t         come at all? I hope he doesn’t plan on staying there for long. I was busy looking at the old man that I’ve forgotten I’m in the middle of a rush. I was totally oblivious of the people walking past me and it didn’t take long before I lost my balance and decidedly fell down the marble floor. I was about to pick myself from my current state when the door of my Audi swung open revealing Ivan in his neatly-ironed Armani. I knew right then I was in deep trouble. I saw him writhe at the sight of me. And I remained motionless as he makes his way towards me. I think I heard him swear but without a second thought, he was already at my side.

“Gosh, Ann, are you alright?” he was saying as he was getting a hold of me. I just gave him a meek smile and when I was already standing on my own two feet, I only had three seconds before his grey eyes started searching into mine. He placed his arms lightly on my shoulders as if to hold me in place. We stayed like that for some time and I guess we would have stayed like that for God-knows-how-long only if the rain didn’t start pouring. We rushed towards the car but we were already soaking wet before we even reached the door. I hate rains. They always remind me of tears; of pain; and of the past I’m trying to leave behind.

Ivan held the door open for me and I went in immediately. “Hi Mommy,” a voice from the backseat cheerfully welcomed me. A smile crept up from my now wet face. I turned around only to see Annie in her uniform smiling widely at me. Oh, I missed her. I can’t believe I didn’t make it to her first day of school today. She has grown so much. I’ve only been away for two days and now, look at her. God, it’s been a good five years ever since I laid my eyes on her in my hospital bed. She is the best thing that has ever happened to my life. I reached to her and gave her a quick peck on the forehead. I would’ve cuddled with her but I was reminded by a roaring thunder of how wet I am.

“Hi honey, were you waiting here for long?” I asked her as I was smoothing my hair. She replied instantly. “No, we just got here. Daddy had to go somewhere.” After she’s said that, I turned my attention to Ivan who is busy searching his gym bag. He looked at me for a moment and went back to what he was doing. “So where did you go before going here?” I heard Annie giggle at the backseat. If they have something they’re hiding from me, Ivan isn’t giving anything away. He handed me a towel from his bag.

“Here, you have to dry yourself. I don’t want you getting sick.”

 “How about you? You’re dripping wet too.”

“I’ll be fine.” He said with a smile to assure me that he’s fine. I took the towel and started drying myself. By the time I got to my hair, it is still raining hard outside. I looked at Ivan and saw that he was starting to get cold. I reached to his side and attempted to do his hair for him.

“Take your clothes off.” I said nonchalantly. I think I saw him smirk at that.

            “You just can’t wait to see me naked, can you?” he said half-smiling.

“Ivan, you are hopeless. Don’t you have any change of clothes with you? You’re cold. I guess we should start heading home.” He only looked at me like that was the most impossible thing that I’ve ever said. Oh yeah, roads are usually closed whenever it rains this hard.

I took his gym bag and let him do the drying so I can find something for him to wear but then my hands found something else. I guess it’s some kind of a box. I took it out and I was more surprised to find out where it’s from than what is probably in it. It’s from Tiffany’s.

“What’s this?” I saw his shoulder tensed as I took out the box. “I was going to propose to you outside but the rain had to ruin my plan.” He took my hand and with Annie’s approval he took the ring out of the box.

“Anne, will you marry me?” Ivan’s eyes never left mine as he said those words and it felt like all my senses have abandoned me. Yes, I will marry Ivan. Yes. “Yes, a thousand times yes.” I couldn’t find a word to express how happy I am and tears just started springing from my eyes without prior notice. Ivan engulfed me into a hug. I looked at Annie and saw how happy this has made her. I motioned for her to join us. Me, Ivan and Annie, we make a perfect family. “I love you girls.” Ivan said under his breath. And we both kissed Annie. 

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