Chapter 2

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From a young age, Sophia knew her life was, different, then her friends. From her family members to the place she lived, to the legal issues that had happened in her life. She just knew something was different, but she never knew how to change it, even how to go about bringing this up to her family.

Her mother was odd, she was a doctor who worked long hours and came home late into the nights and would end up sleeping almost the moment she came home. She was a calm and level headed woman, usually. The few times Sophia got to see her angry, there was just something. Weird. About it. Her mother had a temper for sure, but something happened a lot when Maria would get angry, it wasn't just the fact that she was incredibly strong for a human, but also her eyes would change color, sometimes even her hair. Not enough to really notice if you were caught up in the argument at hand, but Sophia always noticed small details like that. It was a gift you could say. Something she picked up from spending long hours doing chores and writing essays, even working at a very young age of 13.

13? An odd age to start working correct? Especially in this day and age. Well you see, that's another thing that Sophia found very odd about her life. There were two years of her life she never even remembered, according to her parents of course. But the issue is, she could swear that there aren't two years missing from the life she was given. From the age of 4 all the way up to 13 she could remember almost everything. She had a memory kind of like an elephant. She never forgot, anything. Ever. It was a gift, but her parents didn't see it that way.

"No, no, no. Sophia you are 16." Her mother protested one evening as she sat down at the table to work on some paperwork she hadn't managed to finish at the hospital.

"But, Mom. If I am 16 why don't I have two years in my memory?" She asked. Sophia was doing the dishes at the time. One of the many chores she had to do in the tiny trailer that they lived in.

"Sophia..." Maria gave an exasperated sigh, as if she had this argument way too many times. "You remember the car accident we got into, when you were 13?"

"Yes, it only happened a few months ago, of course I remember," Sophia said as she rinsed off a few of the soapy bowls.

"See, that's where your memory is faulty. You were in a coma for two years." There it was. The excuse, the lie, that her parents, even her siblings kept telling her. If Sophia was in a coma for two years why didn't the nurses or anyone else tell her? Also where are the bills that her parents would have had to pay to keep her in the hospital while she was in such a state? There were many different cracks in this lie that she was being told, but it was like any other time she brought up these cracks, something else had to come up.

"But mom I..." she was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing. Giving an annoyed sigh, Sophia continued to clean the dishes while her mother answered the phone.

Everytime. Every. Time. Sophia had an arguement and she was finally going to get the answers she wanted, something came up. And this time it was a phone call at almost midnight. Sophia wanted to guess that it was her step father, Robert, getting into some sort of trouble again.

Her mother was a kind looking woman, with brown hair that fell to about her shoulders. It was a mess. Tangles here and there from running her hands through it. Her hazel eyes stared at the patterns in the wooden table in front of her as she listened to the voice on the other side of the phone.

"Yes, I understand. Thank you." She said in a light, caring, and somewhat upset tone. Staring at the pencil that she picked up in her hand, twirling it between her fingers as she kept saying things like "yes" and "I see".

Sophia on the other hand, was a teenager who really didn't look like she was 16. Her brown hair, much like her mother's, was pulled back into a tight ponytail, a few pieces here and there falling out from its binding. Her eyes again like her mothers, were a bright hazel that almost seemed to glow.

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