Chapter Two

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July 8th, 2013

I head for the small pool at the back of the cave. Without thinking, I take a deep breath and start running. Before I know it I dive straight into the water. The waves welcome me with a peaceful stream, guiding me towards the other side of the tunnel. I don't bother to swim very fast and try to progress everything that's just happened. I touch the new Symbol on my wrist. It has already left a crust because of its fast healing process. By the time it has come off I'll have captured another son of Gaea. I still can't believe the time has come. I don’t know what I’ll do when all this is over. I could travel all around the world, but what would be the point if I don’t have a fun game to play anymore? Mother promised there will always be a place for me here in Italy. I don’t want her to be disappointed in me.

I avoid the idea of having a choice of my own and swim further towards the gap to reach the open sea. Breaking the surface, I let my fingers brush my mark again. Constantly reminding myself of the last mark to be placed on palm of my left hand is almost unbearable. I'm filled with excitement for the last one to fall. I pull myself up on the rough ground whilst a shiver creeps upon my back. It's a cold summer evening, but the night sky and new moon make me feel alive. Looking around, the small pool I came through looks no different from all the other ones surrounding it.  I watch my steps to make sure no human has seen me. No one has ever found the entrance to her cave, nor they ever will.

The early arrival of the summer may have come with cold nights, yet I can stay here and gaze at the stars until dawn. It's what I used to do after my first sacrifices. Being so young and naïve, I didn't know what I was doing at first. I made them jump, and got out of the water as soon as possible. When the first one started to scream and swam for his life, I almost jumped back in to help him. Even after all these years, I can't believe I've been so reckless. I'm sure my mother would have saved me, but it doesn't mean what I almost did was okay. After everything came to an end, I always came to sit here until the first sunbeams broke through. I still do.

The memories start to play out before me. That young girl with black hair, all dry and stiff from the salt water. Her red dress faded to a dark, pink-ish colour. Her feet, full of scratches and sand between her toes. Her Scars, spread out over her entire body. They seem to go on forever, as if there's no end to it. Harmonic, connected and flowing lines, showing off little whirlpools. That girl has not aged a day for over a thousand years. I see her screaming at what once was her mother and the one who's responsible.

I open my eyes and inhale the sea air. The girl may have been me, but I'm glad it's in the past. My mother lost everyone. I am the only one who earns her respect. I will always stay loyal, and she is proud of me. It's the only reason she gave me this chance. She offered me the chance to prove myself, and I took it with both hands. After a while, the game I signed up for quickly became boring. It's why I always try to handle it a different way, to keep it exciting. At least I’m doing something useful, now that I have all the time in the world. Sacrificing sons of Gaea to my mother, to the great Charybdis.

I’ve been gazing the stars for an hour, yet I don’t ever want to leave. Being here is a small taste of the freedom I will experience in thirty days.

One symbol left.

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