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Dear .....

You and I were just siting there watching the fire, until you saw something, you whisper to me saying," what is that", while your voice was shaking. I looked around and I said to you,"what are you talking about I don't see anything," " what you don't see it, it's looking at us with its black eyes, it it's getting closer." I saw that you were scared, I heard it in your voice, but I couldn't, I just couldn't believe you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you at first but then I heard it walk up to us that night, I heard it walk up and grab you, I saw the scratches, we got away from it and got help, they said you were nuts because I said I saw nothing and she did that to her self. I'm sorry that your a the mental hospital now from me lying. Do you ever feel like it's watching you ready to do something, like rip your head off?

Love, ..........

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