The truth

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"Ok adym so what was more important then me, what did she tell you "Sam she's pregnant with my child" "So your gonna have a child, ur a dad" "yes but she's only a couple days pregnant" "Wait so it's not yours!" Sam hugs adym "Sam it is mine" Sam pushes adym away from her and hits his chests and crys "ADYM you cheated on me, you cheat on me "Sam I'm sorry I really am it wasn't supposed to happen  we were both drunk" "Idc how it happened  Adym it did" Sam starts to leave when adym grabs her arm and says "Sam I love you and I never meant to hurt you" tears flow down both of there faces and Sam says "but you did and I never wanna see you again" 
  Sam runs out and get to her car and drives off fast and forgot to put her seatbelt in when she accidentally runs a red light because she gets a text from adym and a car comes right at her. They cars both spin and, Sam's car flips over leaving her upside down. Sam flys out of her window as this all happens and is in the middle of the highway.

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