xxxvi || house of friendship

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Fabian huffed, as he flicked through the pages of the enormous book, "Why is there nothing in here that's helpful?"

Eddie rested his head on his arms and rested them on the table, "Let's just take it home," he spoke, lifting his head up a little, then immediately placing it back down.

"And have you got a forklift to carry it?" Fabian asked.

"Dude, come on, it's no that heavy," Eddie rolled his eyes.

"We'll just come back tomorrow and look over it again then," Joy stated, before closing the book.

"Hey!" Fabian spoke, looking down at the closed book, then up at Joy.

"Let's go," Joy stated.

Eddie stood up, "Yeah, I'm up for that."

Fabian huffed, before walking towards the door with the other two. 

"Hey, Patricia, we're going," Eddie called up to Patricia. She didn't respond.

"Patricia?" Eddie called up again, looking at Patricia. All he could see of her was the back of her head, she was looking down at a book.

"We'll see you back at the house?" Fabian questioned. Eddie nodded slowly and gently, so both Fabian and Joy left.

Eddie watched Fabian and Joy leave, before walking up the stairs to Patricia, "Hey, you okay?"

"Uh-hu," Patricia nodded, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay," Eddie stated, sitting beside her, "What's wrong?"

Patricia shut the book that was sat in front of her, then walked towards the stairs, "Why are you being nice to me?"

"Uh, sorry...?" Eddie spoke in a questioning tone, chuckling softly, before following her.

"Aren't you mad? You're supposed to be mad?" Patricia asked, walking down the stairs. Eddie walked down, too.

Eddie laughed at Patricia, "You can't control my feelings, Yacker."

"You obviously can't either," Patricia told him.

Eddie stopped Patricia from walking off, after they both reached the bottom of the stairs, "Why can't you accept the fact that I've forgiven you for almost kissing Jerome?"

"You didn't seem like you had forgiven me when you were laughing and joking with Joy and Fabian earlier and ignoring me," Patricia stated.

"Need I remind you that you were the one who walked upstairs, while we went to the downstairs books."

"Okay, fine," Patricia huffed, "So you're not mad?"

Eddie chuckled, "And she finally gets it."


"Fabian, hey," Jerome greeted, walking up to Fabian and Joy after he saw them walk through the door.

"Hi, Jerome," Fabian mumbled, as he took his coat off.

Jerome held up the piece of paper from Charlie that he found in Fabian and Eddie's room, "What's this?"

"Uh, that..." Fabian spoke hesitantly, "That's, uh, biology homework..."

"Oh, yeah, and what part of biology does this have to do with?" Jerome asked, obviously seeing through Fabian's lie. Fabian remained silent, unsure of what response to give. "Thought so. What does this letter from Charlie mean? Where is he?"

"That is a brilliant question," Fabian spoke, "And if I knew, then I'd tell you."


Vincent examined the Ankh Cross carving. He then brushed his hand across it, to reveal that there was an engraving of words were he brushed. Rapidly, he brushed more of the dust away, until he'd cleaned the cross of dusty. Then, there before him lay 4 riddles engraved in the cross.

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