Harry Wilson - Dating

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Dating Haz would be like / include:

-Going to Disneyland for a date

-Lots!!! of romantic stuff; he'd bring you flowers every other day, and when you say "Oh they're beautiful!" he'd say, "Yeah, but not as beautiful as you though" with a wink

-He would be interested in everything you do. You like reading books, so he'd try to read your favourites. Then after he finishes he'd proudly talk to you about it.

-Cuddling all the time. He loves being the big spoon, so each night he'd put his arm under your head and play with your hair while talking about random stuff

-He hates that his face is always red and you love teasing him about it. "I hate it, (Y/N). I look like a twelve year old!" "Oh come on, Haz. You look cuuuteeeee!" you say while trying to reach his cheeks. "Oh no, no, go away!" he says as he playfully pushes you away

-Meeting his mum and dad! They would tell you stories about him when he was younger, and he'd look so embarrassed. 

-On nights you guys don't spend together (before gamedays because you want him to concentrate), he'd sneak out of his house and go to yours and call you while he waits outside, telling you to let him in. 

-"You idiot, you've got a game tomorrow, go home!" "Uh no thanks." "What do you mean, no thanks?" "Look, being with you before a game makes me feel better." And of course, you'd let him in.

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