Chapter 1: Clean Slate

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Hello lovelies, welcome to chapter one. I picked Consideration as the first song because I love SZA so much and she's what I imagine Rey to sound like. Also, that is a picture of what Rory is wearing. Anyways on with the first chapter!


Rory's POV

2 weeks ago

"Rey, baby. Wake up, we have to go now."  My dad was gently shaking me. I must've fallen asleep on my bare bed after I finished packing up my room.

"Alright, dad I'm packed up." Most of my boxes and suitcases were being taken down by the men from the moving company. I kind of felt bad for them just because of how much stuff they had to carry but in my defence, I didn't even know I had that much stuff. I guess you only really know how much unnecessary stuff you have when you pack it up.

"We better get going soon though Rey, I wanna beat the traffic jam." My dad hates long drives and traffic, so both of those put together is his worst nightmare. "Meet me in the car when you grab everything you didn't pack."

Most of my stuff was already in the moving van by then and I just couldn't wait to leave. There was basically nothing left in my room including the walls, which was odd to me because they once were filled with so much sheet music and scrap poems.

I got up and grabbed my backpack and stuffed my laptop and poetry journal in it. The last things left were my violin, my most precious possession, and my phone with my wireless beats right next to it on my desk. Grabbing those I look at my now empty room one last time and I've never felt more relieved to leave this place.

My mother was standing in my doorway with the man that she had been cheating on my dad with for the past 8 months. I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't caught them in the act a month and a half ago when my dad finally decided he'd had enough and filed for a divorce.

"Aurora, sweetheart come and give your momma a hug before you leave." She had her arms out ready for me to run into them and a sickly innocent smile was plastered on her face. The nerve of this woman never ceases to disgust me.

"First of all, it's not Aurora you know it's Rory or Rey but you lost the privilege of Rey a month and a half ago. Second of all, keep your hugs. I don't appreciate being touched by snakes." I've never felt more hatred for a person than at that moment.

"That is NO way to speak to mother Aurora Stevenson!" I pride myself on holding my composure and not blowing up at people, especially my parents, because if you have nothing nice to say don't say it. But I just lost it.

"You never really had the right to be called my mother in the first place! Thank the Lord that I'm leaving this hell hole and won't have to see you anymore. By the way, thank you for showing your true colors before I actually started trusting you again. Saved me from caring and inevitable heartbreak."

I pulled my headphones on to block out any other lies or insults she was ready to throw in my direction, walked past her and lover boy and ran into the car. Dad immediately stepped on the gas and the place we left got smaller and smaller until it was just a distant memory.

Present Day

"Alright students! This is Rory Stevenson, she is a new student joining us all the way from Miami, Florida. You guys have been here a good 2 months already and have been through the whole name game situations and such. I trust you will all make her feel welcome. Take a seat please Ms Stevenson."

The worst thing about starting at a new school in early October is that you go through the new student phase all on your own and all eyes are on you. It's not like at the beginning of the year where you can just blend in with the crowd because people are either new or busy reconnecting with the friends they swore they would hang out with but never got around to actually doing it.

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