chapter one

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Hi my names Dinah Jane. I am 19 years llold and I love being a kid. I know that sounds normal but no I mean like fool on kid the diapers, binkie, sippy cups, the whole shabang. I love not having any responsibilities to do anything. When I got into a car accident two years ago it kinda helped me feel better. I didn't know what was happening to me but when I looked it up I realized I had a headspace.

I've been looking for a mommy or daddy Dom to take care of me for a bout a month. I met this one lady who I think would really do it. Shes nice,sweet, caring, loving just the whole shabang. She tells me stories and makes sure I go to bed every night. But we have never met in person or even video chatted. Speaking of her she's texting me right now.

MOMMYJ: hi princess how are you today

snuggle bunny: hi I'm and doing okay just a little sleepy didn't get much sleep. What about you

mommy J: I'm good .Oh no your gonna need a nap later. So since ur not in your head space today I think we should talk

Oh no

A/n editing hope u guys like them

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