chapter 13 DinahPov

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Wow I didn't think Laurens pregnancy would be so crzy. Let me give you the month to month update on how things worked

Month one

Everything was going OK but the weird food cravings came . first she wanted pigs feet . then she wanted it with pickles. Idk I just thought it was weird tbh. Like she hated pigs feet. I've never had it and I don't want to try it everrrrrrr. Then she wanted BBQ for like a whole week. That one I loved. After that she was pretty OK for the rest of the month.

Month two

This month she was back to the weird cravings and then she got really emotional. And we had to move too for the baby so it was crzy cuz daddy wanted a smaller house and momma wanted a big one and when he said no she started crying because she said he thought she was stupid and the got into a fight and she made him sleep on. The couch for a week but eventually said well move to a medium sized house I thought it was funny until I got in trouble cuz she thought I was laughing at her being emotional and she grounded me but daddy always let's me play while mommy is sleep

Month three

This month went pretty well she went to the the doctor for a check up everything was fine I heard the heart beat of my baby sister or brother and they decided they were gonna have a guess the baby party and find out then. Auntie ally would find out what they were having. I asked if I could know 2 and she yelled at me calling me nosey but then she took me out to get icecream to say sorry crzy right. But u gotta love momma

Month four

This month was OK she didn't have weird cravings or get emotional except the one time she saw her belly showing and couldn't fit her shirt and daddy made her happy but then he sent me to auntie Mani house. I wonder what happen while I was gone

Month five

This month mommy found out what she was having well auntie ally did we still don't know. But Mommy's friend came over like little mix's, demi lovato, and a lot more it was like a pre party since the party is next month then well be going baby shopping and move into our new house. I can't wait.

Month six

Well today's the month we find out what gender the baby is at the party. I can't believe it were having a baby girl. I know Lauren I mean momma always wanted a baby girl. And now she's gonna have one . I know daddy was wishing it was a girl to so it worked out.

Month seven

Me and daddy finished the room and unpacking our house . momma was mad cuz she couldn't help daddy didn't want her to hurt the baby or her self so he made her take a nap after yelling she finally did it and the process went . they came to an agreement on the name and her name will be Aalyiah Marie Jackson. He also proposed to momma and she said yes obviously but they're going too wait until after the baby to get married so Aalyiah can be in the wedding. Momma said she wanted both of her princess to be in the wedding hut I think she just wants to be slim for her wedding

Month eight

This month went okay until Laurens water broke which leads us till now. Me and daddy are laying in the hospital room with momma and baby Aalyiah. She was born

Friday March 31, 2017. She really looks like a princess. I'm a big sister to her soooi amazing and momma got my last named changed to Jackson so I'll be really part of the family. I gotta say I had doubts but I love her soo much and my family

Thank you to @destinymartin775 for the name

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