31. dating them would involve

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Good luck kisses before football games.
• Him playing the guitar and singing to you when you are not feeling well.
• "Sharing is caring, now give me your fries."
• Cuddling when watching movies.
• You wearing his clothes around your house and at school.
Despite him and Reggie having a complicated relationship, being good friends with Reggie.

Nose kisses.
Both being shy at first.
Lengthy good-night calls.
Her taking care of you when you are sick, and vice-versa.
• You biting your lip when looking at her. 
"Babeeee." "What?" "You're so cute, hold me." "Now? Here? We're at school Betts." "But still.. you know you want to." "Yeah I do."

Flying to New York together.
Calling each other cute pet names.
"Awe babe you had a crush on me before?" "Umm, we've been dating for a year." "It's still cute.."
Always getting each other gifts and surprises.
She loves intimidating people hitting on you by kissing you and glaring until they leave.
Wearing each other's clothes.

• Him sneaking into your window when he can't sleep. 
Cheek kisses.
• Your favourite picture of him being one that you took at 2 in the morning while you were out on a junk food run.
• Going record store hunting.
"You're so cute." "Babe, you told me that ten times today." "Shut up Y/N, you're still cute.
Eventually meeting Jellybean and his mother. Jellybean deeming you worthy of dating her beloved older brother.

Him being really nice and gentle around you.
No one really hitting on you or flirting with you because they know that Reggie would not let that go without a fight.
• A lot of hickeys.
• Reggie Mantle + you = power couple of Riverdale.
• "Like what you see?" "Very."

Meeting freshman year at a gala, at her house.
• Doing your best to help her get through her brother's death but you could only do so much..
• Dates at Pop's.
• If someone has any remotely comments mean about you, she would make sure to make their life hell.
• Her parents being horrified that you two are dating. They try constantly to break you up but you seem to always come back to each other.
• "You're so cute, princess." "No, no, that's queen to you."

Giving each other quick pecks on the cheeks when you are at school.
His dad being very supportive.
Flattering each other all of the time.
Whenever either of you had a bad day, the other one would always show up at their house with movies and pizza.
"God, I love you so much." "I love you too." "Ugh, since when were we this mushy and disgusting?" "I don't know, but I love it."
Lots of passionate, kind of rough make out sessions in the pick-up truck.

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