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A/n I will call Hermione "Mia" from now on instead of Hermione because it ain't her name no more!! (Excuse my grammar, I'm just tired and bored)


I felt the awkward sensation of apparating again as we went home. Once we were finished and completely out of the sensation, I stood outside the front of my new found home in awe. It was magnificent!! Gorgeous!! Beautiful!! A bunch of other words that could describe something rather attractive! I was surprised but on the other hand, I really wasn't because most pureblood families were very, very wealthy. I smiled at my thoughts.
"What are you so smiley about?!" My older twin brother questioned me. I smiled and playfully punched his stomach and he pretended that it hurt.
"I'm smiling at what Malfoy will think when he finds out I'm not a muggleborn at all." Blaise chuckled at my statement. Then he remembered something.
"Mum is it ok if I invite Draco over? I want him to meet Mia and I wanna go swimming!!" Our mum thought about it and nodded her head.
"Yes, I believe that will be ok. Do you want him to stay over for a few nights or just come for the day?"
"I want him to stay for a few nights. Let Mia get used to him and stuff I guess." Our mother nodded as we walked inside the giant manor.
"Blaise to show your sister around and take her to her room." Blaise nodded and showed me around. We went to the living room, then the kitchen, to the library, mum and dads room, Blaise's room, the extra room, Draco's room (for when he stays over), and lastly, my room. When we first walked in it was blank. I looked to Blaise with a confused look on my face.
"It'll begin to change to suit your personality. It just has to get used to you being in the room so just walk around and everything should merge." I nodded and walked around touching anything and everything as I went. I slowly saw everything changing colors. Almost every little thing was blue.

 Almost every little thing was blue

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^(Room above)^
I smiled and smiled as I continued walking around admiring every little detail. I walked over to my window and saw that next to it, there was a door leading onto a balcony that showed me a perfect view of the backyard and our pool. I, next, went over to 3 doors that were on the left side of my room. One of them leads to my bathroom, which looked like the prefects restroom. The second of lead to a huge walk-in closet. It held 3 dressers and lots of space full of clothes and stuff. I had socket cubbies and places to hang scarves and just wow. I looked down at the floor and my eyes grew very wide. I had racks and racks full of shoes. Everything from high heels to cowboy boots. I smiled super wide and turned out of my closet. I walked over to the next door and looked down. It was a small half door. There was a plaque in than door and it read, "Entry granted by Ms. Mia Zabini only." I opened the door and bent down. I quickly looked back at Blaise who had been watching me the entire time with a very amused look in his face. I held out my hand asking him to follow and he did. He got down in his knees and crawled through the space with me. It led through the manor, into a large room. The room was the ultimate sleepover or hangout room!! It had a giant muggle tv and bean bags and a popcorn machine and a snow cone maker!! It was awesome!! I started to tear up a little bit. "Dang..." I whispered just loud enough for my brother to hear. He nodded his head in agreement. He walked over to another door that I hadn't noticed before. Blaise inspected it and opened it. It led outside to the pool!! I was quite shocked at our discovery. I ran over to him and pushed him through the door so I could get through too. We walked out a just stood there with large eyes. "I did not expect to see that." Blaise said and I vigorously nodded in agreement. I looked at my twin and he had a frown on his face. "What's wrong big bubba?!" I asked him. He looked at me and still frowned. It took me a second to realize it was a fake pouty frown. I suppressed a small giggle. "How come I don't have one of these passages in my room?! That's not fair!" I laughed at my older twin brother as he pouted and whined. I laughed and laughed. He started laughing too. "Alright, what we gonna do now?" I looked at my brother as I asked my question. He thought about it. "Well, Draco is coming over in a little bit. Wanna go swimming with us or something?" I smirked as I thought about this.

"Yea I'll go swimming with y'all. That sounds like fun!" I smirked even more and giggled silently. He looked at me suspiciously and I looked back with a devilish grin. He back away with big eyes and then smiled his big smile. We walked back into my extra room and went back into my actual bedroom. "Mia! Blaise! Draco is here!" Our mother called to us from the living room. I tried walking out of the room but then my brother slung me over his shoulder and ran down the staircase, carrying me. I laughed and punched his back and it is just so much fun having a bigger brother. Even if he was older than me by 2 and a half minutes, he's still a big brother. Once we got downstairs, he threw me down onto the couch and walked over to his best mate. They bro hugged each other as one of the house elves came and took Draco's bag.
"Welcome back Dracoooooooo!" Blaise said to Draco. I giggled a little at his silliness. Draco looked to me with big, large, gorgeous gray eyes. Wait did I just say his eyes were gorgeous?! Well, I'm not lying to myself. They are pretty gorgeous. Crap I need to stop thinking this. It's Malfoy for crying out loud!! Ugh, life is so confusing!! "Who might this be, BLAISE?!" Draco yelled the last part looking at my bro. I giggled quietly while Blaise laughed. "DRACO, this is my little twin sister, Mia! Remember when I told you we had to give her away because of Lord Voldy?" Lord Voldy? That's a good nickname! I never would've thought to call him that. "Mia who were you before you found out you were a Zabini?" Draco questioned me. "I used to be your sworn enemy. Mione Granger!!" He looked at me at with large eyes. You could see the shock coming out of his eyes. It was quite funny. "Mione. Hermione. Mia. Something!! I am so so so so soooooo sorry for being mean and rude to you all these years. I was taught to hate the anyone that was not of my blood. I know it's wrong and I'm so sorry." I thanked him and said he was forgiven. I began to get lost in my own thoughts until the guys started talking bout me. I decided to jump in the conversation with them. "Alright time to set some ground rules Draco. You may not look, touch, or even THINK about my sister and her body. You got that?" Draco thought about it.
"Yea I tooooootally got it!" He put a smirk in his face and ran over to me and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed but it wasn't like a scared scream. I was having a lot of fun with them two. Blaise chased Draco and I around the around our manor. When we got Blaise off our tail, Draco ran me into my room and threw me down onto my bed and locked my bedroom door. "Draco what are you doing?!" He was about the answer but then he stopped and looked at me with shock in his stormy eyes. "Y-you called me Draco!?" He stuttered a little bit.
" that a problem?"
"No, not at all! I like it," he ran over to me and started chasing me around the room. "A lot!" He whispered in my ear as he caught me and started to tickle me. He would not stop making me laugh until we heard Blaise outside my door. Then he stopped and froze. "What do we do?" He whisper laughed. I thought for a second. "Alright, you two. Let me in!!" Blaise yelled from the other side of my doorframe. I snapped to Draco and pointed to the secret hangout area. "Do you have your swimsuit with you in your possession?" I whispered yelled to him from across the room. He nodded his head and I gestured for him to follow me. I grabbed my emerald green bikini from my closet and opened the door. Before I shut the door behind us, I unlocked my bedroom door. I turned around and ran as fast as I could without hitting my head on the ceiling. I laughed every time I heard Draco hit his head.

Once we made got into the extra room, Draco stared around in awe. "This is awesome!" He said. I nodded in agreement. He was right. I looked at him and he looked back at me. We stared into each other's eyes for a while. "I-um...should we get dressed or changed or something?" I stuttered to him. He nodded and walked outside to the door. He gestured for me to follow and I tilted my head to the side, like a confused puppy. "If this door leads out back then I can show you where we can change. The Zabini's have a pool house to change in." I nodded to him and followed. We walked outside and he led me to the pool houses. I walked into the ladies one and changed. I was wearing an emerald green bikini. Both pieces were ruffled with little gems. As I walked out I saw Draco wearing also emerald green but instead, he had green shorts that were camouflage like. I had to admit. He looked really sexy without his shirt on. Quidditch took a tole on his body. He had a very muscular body. His chest was carved into a six-pack and his arm were shaped to show his muscles. I had to pretend to admire the backyard so Draco didn't noticed I was staring at him. Although I don't think it worked. "Like what you see little Zabini?" He said with his all time amazing Malfoy smirk. I suppressed a giggle but i let it slip. He smirked a lot more and threw me back over his shoulder. I laughed and screamed until..."OI! MALFOY!"

1,928 words

A/n haha cliffhangerrrrrrrs!!! Don't ya just hate em?! Yea me too. Alright, imma try to update again tonight. I dunno if I will finish it thou. School has been keeping me busy and I can't stay up and text my bf and write for y'all. Sorry. Love uuuuu!!

* DISCONTINUED :( * Mia Zabini?!?! (Dramione/Blinny)Where stories live. Discover now