Chap7-The DoubleTrouble Ball

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Decided to split up dress shopping and the ball so ya know. Won't say much else other than that I'm a huge music person so almost every chapter will probably have some type of song or something that has to do with the chapter itself or it might be a random song that I want y'alls opinions on. Who knows. Most of the songs will probably be piano or acoustic guitar instrumentals just to play as background music if you want but some chapters will have specific parts where you should play the song. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this part!!


When we got home and went to my room to wait, the Pansy and Dawn tested out my phone while I sat alone, thinking about what might happen when we go back to school. What if all of the pureblooded kids who called me a mudblood during our schooling years don't accept me for the actual me? What if I get shunned by everybody? I'd be so lonely only having the boys and Dawn and Pans. Yes, I love them, but I still feel as if I would get isolated and I would hate to spend my last full year at Hogwarts without anybody, even if they were just acquaintances. Maybe Harry and Ron will accept me for the new, real me. If not, I will have lost my childhood best friends just because I found who I really am. I hope they come tonight. Maybe I can talk to them about it and see if they still accept me for who I really am. I hope Ron doesn't cause any arguments like he always does. I sent them both an owl the other day, but I didn't say anything about the change. I have to tell them both in person. 

I hadn't realized how long I had sat there thinking until I snapped out of my daze and looked at the clock next the my bed. "Girls, it's almost time to go downstairs. Do you think we should wait for somebody to come get us?" I questioned, not wanting to be late to my own ball. Pansy spoke up first. 

"Because this isn't technically my party, I will go downstairs and ask your mum about it. She has a phone correct?" I nodded and she continued. "I will send a message to your phone when she says you two should come down." 

Dawn and I nodded as Pans got up to go downstairs. She waved by to us and walked out of my room, leaving the two of us to wait alone. Breaking the silence, I spoke up. "Do you think Ron and Harry are going to accept us for who we are now?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, honestly. Since I left, I haven't gotten any letters from Ron, Harry, or anybody in my family at all." She looked down at the floor, lip slightly quivering. 

"Hey, hey. Look at me," she looked up. "If they don't accept us for who we truly are, then they aren't worth it. You know that as much as I do." She nodded and we sat in silence for a couple more minutes. I kept checking the clock, wondering why it was taking so long for Pansy to message us. Then, out of almost nowhere, a knock sounded at my door. I walked over to open it and found Draco and Blaise standing there, each holding out a hand. Out of habit, I went to grab Draco's but he yanked it slightly back and then smiled apologetically. Saying sorry, Blaise explained that each brother needed to walk his twin down the stairs. Dawn and I nodded, understanding the process. 

"Okay, you ready for this?" Draco questioned. 

"Not really." I answered back.

"Neither am I," Dawn said, shaking her head. "It's super nerve racking considering a lot of the people who are going to be here from school didn't even like us before."

I agreed and the boys nodded, understanding our situation. "I wouldn't stress too much about stuff like that. You two are apart of the richest families in the wizarding world. There's nothing to worry about now." Blaise said, squeezing my hand reassuringly. We told him we believed him and continued walking towards the stairwell that would lead us down to the party.

* DISCONTINUED :( * Mia Zabini?!?! (Dramione/Blinny)Where stories live. Discover now