chapter 2- Looks that kill

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By the time I turn around, Harry’s already gone and all that’s left is a faint whiff of his cologne. Do you know that feeling when the room feels hot all of a sudden? Well, I was feeling that and all because of one, measly whiff of his cologne.

I’m becoming a girl.

Oh. No.

My eyes rake over his retreating form; taking in all of the six feet of perfection, his gait so relaxed yet so beautiful. I didn’t even see his face but this little encounter is enough for the remnants of my dream to come flooding back into my mind. Heat spikes through my body and I have to fight the hot flush creeping up my face.

That is until Liam is pulling me through the hallway to the old storeroom on the second floor which is our usual spot whenever we ditch classes, ignoring Zayn’s calls to wait up.

“You’re staying away from him Louis,” Liam growls as he throws down his books on the table.

“I’m not even near him, so that point is moot.” I roll my eyes, settling myself on one of the half-broken chairs, balancing myself precariously on its arm.

“That was pathetic Lou,” Liam shoots back, his shoulders tense as he glares at me.

“Was not!” I stand up now, poking him on his chest.

“You guys do know that you ditched Calc and I ditched Spanish,” Zayn observes from the floor, already fiddling with an unlit cigarette.

“Not now Zayn,” Liam says and Zayn shrugs.

“Tell me Lou,” Liam’s voice is calm now, soothing even, “Why was he talking with you?”

“It’s nothing! He came to the café on Saturday and we talked. He said ‘Hi Louis’ and I said ‘Hi Harry’ and that was it.” There is no way I’m telling Liam what I actually said, so this will have to do for now.

Liam looks reasonably convinced and he leans back against the table. “Sorry for acting like an arse.” he mutters sheepishly and I just huff in annoyance. Liam and Harry have been ‘less than friendly’ ever since we started high school and we’re used to it. So I while understand his cause for concern given Harry’s, ahem, reputation, I think I’m going to be fine. Well almost and that’s better than nothing.

“I’ll be fine LiLi,” I say and chuckle as he goes beet red at the nickname.

“God, Louis not that again!” he hits me playfully on the shoulder, but he isn’t angry now that I can tell.

“But seriously though I’ll be fine,” I reassure him again and Liam looks at me strangely,“You have that look.”

“I do not. Wait… what look?” I’m confused now. 

“You’ve got that ‘I’m gonna get him’ look. You always have that when you like someone.” Liam explains slowly as though I’m a child.

That is the most ridiculous, stupidest thing ever. I  do not have any kind of look when I like someone.  

“Do I have that ‘look’?” I ask Zayn, giving Liam a dirty glare.

Zayn peers at me carefully for a moment and he’s nodding, “Yep you’ve got that look.”

“You are despicable.”  Liam laughs loudly at that while Zayn drawls an “Always” lighting up his cigarette.

“I thought you said you were going to stop.” Liam is glaring daggers at Zayn and I silently thank Zayn for diverting Liam’s attention from me, my looks and Harry Styles.

I definitely did not like him.



The rest of the classes go by in a sleepy blur with Liam and Zayn making up (which involved some heavy kissing and I think I saw Liam’s hand wander, I left before it became too graphic), Zayn back to his writing everything on paper and no sign of Harry. I’m merely being observant of course, not that I want to see him.

Of course I don’t.

Ok, maybe I do. But just to make sure he’s all right and such…



Hello! First of all, sorry for the lateeeee update!:( I’ve had TERRIBLE writer’s block and this chapter is just not..ugh! It’s rubbish. I’m sorry for that…Updates should  be regular from now on.

Anyways…thank you so much for the reads…Do comment and vote! :)

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