Chapter 6- It might seem crazy what I'm about to say

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“I’m gonna miss you, Louis,” Harry says as he slides into h seat next to me while I choke on air.

Because I’m sorry what?!

“Excuse me?” I sound harsher than I meant to be and Harry’s face registers hurt for just a second – it’s these rare moments that I think that he isn’t the rebel he makes himself out to be.

“I’m gonna miss you, I’m gonna miss this,” he leans in closer, breath hitting my face and he smells like the cigarettes he smokes the whole day through and mint.

A very intoxicating scent.


“I-” it’s a struggle to concentrate when he’s close to me, when it’s easy to believe that it’s just us and no one else. The thought is like a jolt and I immediately recoil back, scraping my chair back so as to put some distance between us.

Harry looks downright confused and I look everywhere else but at him. There’s a tense, awkward silence between us and that’s worlds apart from what it was the past few days. Let me give a quick recap:

Monday – Harry sits next to me and the entire time he’s accidently kicking me, accidently   trailing his hands up my arms.

Tuesday- He texts me the entire time (I still have to find out how he got my number) and no, he wasn’t talking about the weather.

Wednesday- He’s back again next to me and this time, he asks me to help in his English essay and it’s actually pretty nice. Harry has a nice laugh, like a really nice laugh.

Thursday- We talk about his tattoos. He shows me the swallows on his collarbones and then he says something about a stamp somewhere and it’s back to him trying to make me spontaneously combust (it almost works).

So, the last day of detention and I may have ruined the little something, whatever it was with Harry. Neither of us tries to talk and it’s in record speed that we both gather our stuff when detention is over. I walk out of the room before Harry but instead of leaving, I wait for him.

Harry walks out and I call out, “Harry?”

He stops thankfully.

“I’m sorry, I just freaked out,” I say in a rush and then I realize that it came out all wrong. Harry looks at me with  a hurt look in his eyes and I really, really hate myself right now. Harry in that moment looks so small and vulnerable that I want to scream in frustration.

“Thanks, Louis. That clears up a lot of things,” he snaps and he’s pushing me away to storm off leaving me in the empty hallway.

My phone vibrates in my pocket startling me and I pull it out, it’s Liam. I am sorely tempted to hit decline but then I don’t and answer it. “Hello?”

“I need to talk to you. I’ll pick up you from school, I’ll be there in five minutes,” Liam hangs up without giving me a chance to even talk. He sounds jittery and his voice cracks a few times during that short conversation. I try to forget about this whole mess with Harry while I make my way to the school gates.

Liam is there in just as he said and I get in  and immediately he pulls me into a bone crushing hug and I’m suddenly scared when I realize he’s crying.

“What’s wrong, Li?” I ask gently when he pulls back and Liam just say anything, swiping at his eyes angrily as he begins to drive. I don’t say anything knowing that he would tell me whatever it was. He pulls the car at the entrance of the old park that’s been shut for many years. Well, it’s ‘officially ‘shut down but there’s a gap in the fence that Liam and I discovered two years ago and it’s been our favourite hangout place ever since.

We get in and make our way towards one of the benches. Liam immediately puts his head in his hands and I wait for him to speak.

“Please don’t hate me, Lou,” he whispers as he looks up to me and his eyes are teary again. Whatever it is, it’s big and serious because I have never seen Liam in this state.

“I won’t. Whatever it is we’ll make it right,” I promise him and he nods and takes a steadying breath.

“I cheated on Zayn.”

Well, I did not see that coming.

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I updated twice in a day! I'm so proud of myself *^_^*  Am I going too fast with the story? Vote and comment please! :)

Title from Happy by Pharrell Williams

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