2: limerence

142 19 50

Song: Ribs by Lorde
When I first met her, she didn't even notice me.

I walked into the library drunk, again. And she sat alone in the corner of the fiction section, holding a musty, red book in her delicate looking hands.

She looked so lonely; almost as lonely as I felt.
Her hair was a dull white that wrapped around the length of her back like a layer of snow. Her eyes were shielded by long, thick lashes as pale as her hair. I was staring at her in awe and curiosity.

The longer I stared at her, the more I wanted to hear her voice. Her cheeks were full and dusted by a constellation of freckles. She wasn't beautiful, or exceptional. She was something far less appreciated and understood.

As I crept as silently as a drunk person could towards her small frame, she shifted her legs. The pasta socks she wore beneath her ripped boyfriend jeans scrunched down towards her messily tied sneakers. Part of her t-shirt hung off of her shoulder, revealing more freckles that huddled on her creamy skin. I was mesmerized. Not because she was some half-assed hipster girl with circle glasses too big for her face or because I'd never seen someone so enchanted by Shakespeare's Macbeth. Looking back to that day now, I think part of me already understood why I was so drawn to her. She made me feel. She made me breathe again and realize that I'm actually alive.

 She made me breathe again and realize that I'm actually alive

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