Armor Up!

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Cupcake: Wow! You have all this armor?

Serenity: Yep I borrowed it from-

Spock: Lemme guess, the library? 

Serenity: No, Brock Obama many years ago! I don't know what kid of library's you have!

Spock and Rose: Who?

Serenity: Oh I forgot you guys aren't American....

(Complete silence...)

Serenity: Erm.... let's choose our armor.....

(Rose picked out royal armor....BTW she is on the cover of the book if you wanna see her in armor :))

(Cupcake got purple armor and Spock choose a brown set)

Cupcake: Um...Spock are you sure you want the brown doesn't look that good....

Serenity: Actually that's the best armor..... I was about to choose it myself!

 Rose: Spock, you look good!

Spock:(Blushing) Thanks!

Cupcake: Well I think you

Rose: Cat got your tongue?


Cupcake: FABULOUS! That's the word!

Spock: Um....ok.....

Cupcake: (Thinking) Dang it!

( Serenity stays in her golden armor)

Cupcake: Aren't you gonna change?

Serenity: No I'm fine! We have to pack though!

Rose: Wahhh you didn't tell me we were going out to fight!

Serenity: Ok since when was there a "we" and did you not see me pack?

Rose: I thought we were taking money so I didn't bring anything!

Serenity, Spock and Rocket: We all have suitcases!

Rose: I'll have to borrow from all three then!

Cupcake: Ok, Serenity you are in charge of food, Rose you go through our clothes so we can minimize for the trip, and me and Spock will gather books and tools!

Serenity: Wait I wanna do that cool thing in movies!

Cupcake: We don't have time!

Rose: Come on Cupcake! Don't be such a party pooper! I'm sure my BFF, Serenity, had an idea!

(Serenity nods and Rose playfully winks at Rocket)

(Cupcake is going out of her way not to kill Rose)

Rose: So what would that cool thing be?

Serenity: WELL before a group does separate things, they put their hooves together and say "TEAM".

Cupcake and Spock: That is a....

Spock: Cool idea!

Cupcake: Stupid id- I mean cool idea!

(The four put their hooves together and say "PONIES!")  

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