Party Ponies!

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Rose: Its soooo high up here!

Cupcake: Ooo the sunset is soooo pretty!

Twilight: Um we are going to a new ballroom in Canterlot....

(They arrive)

Pinkie: Cupcakes! Party cannon! Gummy!

Spock: Well Pinkie Pie seems happy.....

(The ballroom is in a cylinder shape with a grand piano and stairs...the chairs are in a crescent shape and a giant chandelier)

Rose: Its....beautiful!

Twilight: Hans is here......

(Hans is in a gross tuxedo)

Hans: Ugh....everyone is too happy....

Twilight: Oh no...he doesn't like it.....EVERYONE! GET YOUR PARTNER! THE WALTZ IS HAPPENING!

Serenity: Spock! Stop eating the strawberries and punch! Get your buttocks over here!

Rose: Ugh....

(The music starts)

Spock: Hey Serenity?

Serenity: Shhh...what?

Spock: How about you spin me and we switch partners with the other girls?

Serenity: Yes! Sorry, but you are terrible...

Spock: I'll pretend you didn't say that!

Serenity: Psst Rose! We are gonna switch partners! Spock flies away so be sure to catch him when we spin!

Cupcake: Maybe you and I should switch partners!

Serenity: I don't care!

(Serenity twirls Spock and he goes flying)

Spock: Rose? Where are you?

(Cupcake tries to grab Spock but bumps him into the punch...which topples over on Hans)



(Hans sashays out of the room)

Twilight: I hate it when that Spwing sashays....

(Twilight clears her throat)

Twilight: Cupcake what was all of that?

Cupcake: Rose told me about switching partners!

Rose: Serenity told me about that!

Serenity: Spock told me!

Spock: My brain told me that!

Twilight: I'm disappointed in all of you....especially Cupcake...

(Cupcakes face darkens)

Cupcake: I'm sorry Twilight...but why me?

Twilight: You are a are a general...and you failed me twice while not listening to me....if you were careful this wouldn't have happened......I have to we have to spend more money on weapons...

Cupcake: I'm sorry....

Twilight: Anyway...Spock why a twirl? If you knew why?

Spock: I don't know!

Twilight: I'm sorry Cupcake...I have to give you a punishment...I've been thinking of having you as a student...I'm sorry..

Cupcake: ........I'll just have to accept it....

(BTW that isn't the acceptance emotion..just sadness)

Twilight: Take the train...good bye...

Rose: got pounded by a princess!

Cupcake: I know...

Rose: You got smashed! You got destroyed!

Cupcake: I'm not in a mood to talk...

Serenity: *Serenity predicts more fighting!

*reference to Rabi Ribi

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