Rainbow Haired Girl

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The uncomfortable silence hung in the air, thick as Yorkshire pudding, it even seemed to smell like it, but I could probably blame that on today’s lunch. I glance over the light wooden table towards him and our eyes met.

Now it was hatred hanging in the air, it smelled like dark chocolate, I could blame that on the person next to me, he had smeared melted chocolate all over my ass when I passed him during lunch.

As I thought back to the reason I was here, with him, the hatred grew, he had ruined everything, he was the biggest jerk I ever had the displeasure to meet. I clenched my hands into fists and concentrated on sending all the hatred that filled up my body towards him.

He had ruined my fun day he made sure I would have to walk home and disappoint Tyler, he wanted me to suffer, and trust me, I wanted the same for him.

Our gazes remained locked; we were in the middle of a fury staring contest. I hated him with all my might, but I couldn't utter a word. The detention teacher watched us like a hawk.

I averted my eyes, not being able to stand the stare of those cold grey eyes any longer. He snickered and i wanted to hit that laugh of off his face, but knew I couldn't. I tried hard to control myself, I couldn’t let myself go.

My savior came in the form of a school bell signaling detention was over and I could go home, by foot.

Tyler must have already left by now, he did not enjoy waiting. Something I understood very well. I checked my phone and it told me I had received a message from Tyler 45 minutes ago, asking me where I was because he was leaving.

I heard a snicker behind me.

"You should know, I really want to hit you." I told him while walking away.

"Then why don't you?" He called after me.

I thought carefully about his words, why didn't I just hit him like he deserved? I should.

I didn't fear detention, it wasn't anything new to me, I didn't fear my parents as they didn't really care as long as i didn't end up pregnant or something and kept my grades up, my dad might even be proud to hear I had hit a guy.

I then decided it must have been Tyler, he was the reason i didn't do it. Tyler was the person who obeyed rules in our relationship; he was the steady person who tried to keep me out of trouble. Hitting the bastard behind me would only cause more of that. I kept walking, not responding to his words and flung my blonde hair with green and blue streaks over my shoulder. I grabbed my coat but decided against it when I looked out of the window. i stuffed in my locker. I walked out of school, feeling the warm spring sun on my cheeks.

It was time to start my 5 mile walk home.

As I walked I thought about picking up new colors for my hair as my streaks were slowly fading, but then realized I had left my wallet in my jacket, which was in my locker. Tyler didn’t like my hair, he thought I would look more presentable if I changed it to normal blonde, but the colors streaks were a part of me. They brightened up my appearance and made me different from others. And with the weird hair, no one thought about me the same and slowly forgot about the way I used to be.

The way he had made me.

The way he had betrayed me.

The colors were my therapy, and even a sweet and loving guy like Tyler couldn’t stop me from doing that.

A green car passed me and honked, I knew who he was and flipped him off.

“How I wish to kill him.”


She glared at me, a look full of hatred for not being able to drive home with her boyfriend, something i had gladly caused.

I remembered lunch, the Yorkshire pudding that was now smeared all over my shirt, the scent hung in the air and she seemed to loathe it. So I enjoyed it. The glare was so full of fire, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed watching her vibrant green eyes while she was experiencing a strong emotion. The blue and green streaks in her hair were starting to fade and I wondered which color she would pick next, or if Tyler, the straight A student with a talent for swimming was going to make her dye her hair back to her natural blonde color.

She broke our gaze and I snickered, she hated me with passion but she resented the eye contact.

She had been that wat for as long as I could remember. She was unable to look someone in the eyes for two long, she started feeling uncomfortable. But ever since she started going out with Tyler, much to my displeasure, she had gotten stronger and she hated me more than ever before.

 the bell rang and she got up with a heavy sigh, she already dreaded the walk home and i knew it. She walked out of class and checked her phone.

Tyler had left her behind and she did not seem happy about it.

"You should know, i really want to hit you." She said as she put her phone away and walked off.

"Then why don't you?" I called after her with a smirk. I wouldn't mind her hitting me.

She never responded to my question, she just flung her hair back the way she had always done, even in kindergarten and walked towards her locker.

'So, what should we do to her tomorrow?' me wolf asked me softly.

'I don't care, as long as she walks home,' i told it and it seemed content.

i walked out of school and got into my car. on my way over i honked as i passed her in the street. she flipped me off.

"What a woman". I whispered before concentrating on the road once again, looking forward to tomorrow.

Author's note:


I'm currently at school, the wattpad chat died so i can't chat with my lovely wattpad friends. The keyboard on this computer sucks the spacebar hardly works, so forgive me the errors, this is a useless piece of writing, though i do find it enjoyable to write.

Thank you for reading!!

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