Te Fiti (Maui and Moana's POV)

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We had arrived at our destination. I took Moana's hand and sparks ran through my body and my heart rate increased. I felt warm. Never have I ever felt this way. Not even towards a mortal. Why do I always feel this way around her. I helped her off the boat. Suddenly a hand lifted us up in the air.

"Whoa!" Moana exclaimed almost falling.

"Careful." I said holding onto her hand tighter.

When we stopped moving I removed Moana's blindfold.

She gasped.

"Te Fiti!" She said falling to her knees in respect.

I followed her example and bowed. 

Hello Moana and Maui. It's been a while. Te Fiti spoke in our minds.

"Hello Te Fiti." I said with Moana.

Thank you for bringing her here Maui. I love this girl. Te Fiti spoke agian.

Moana blushed. 

"Thank you Te Fiti."  Moana spoke.

You may rise. I've heard you have become Chief of Moutoniu Moana. I am very proud of you. Please tell me whats been going on. Te Fiti questioned us.

We told her everything. There was something I wanted to speak to The Fiti privately about. She seemed to sense this.

Moana. You seem hungry. How about you go eat?  Te Fiti spoke.

Moana's stomach grumbled.

"I gusse I could eat." She laughed.

Te Fiti set her down and Moana ran to the boat .

What is it Maui? You seem troubled. Te Fiti spoke in my mind. 

I decided to speak with her in my mind so Moana couldn't hear.

​​​​​​Its Moana. I said

What about Moana? Te Fiti gasped in my mind.

Every time I'm around her I get nervous and excited. I'm scared to mess up or say something wrong and she'll never speak to me agian. But I'm happy to be with her. And every time we touch even just a little bit, sparks are sent through my body. I've never felt this way. Not towards anyone.  I spoke.

Maui. You love Mona. I can see it in your eyes. When she all most fell your heart stopped. She wasn't close to the edge at all. Te Fiti spoke.

I thought about it. There was no way we could ever be. I was a demigod and she was a mortal. She could.... Die... At any time... I could only die in combat...

I know it seems impossible, but you need to tell her how you feel. Te Fiti siad. 

I was about to say something but then I heard Moana shouting.

"What are you doing?!? Get back here!" I looked down at her. She was chasing something.

"NO!!!" She yelled as the thing jumped into the ocean.

(Moana's POV)

"OCEAN!! DO SOMETHING!!! HE'S GETTING AWAY!!! STOP HIM!!" I screamed jumping on to my boat. 

Ocean shot up and looked where I was pointing to. It quickly splashed down. I jumped in and I speed off towards the creature.

(Maui's POV) 

"MOANA!" I screamed. 

Suddenly The Fiti 's hand shook. And I was dropped. I quickly changed into a hawk and I turned to face her. She was struggling to breath with her hands over her chest.

My heart.... It's gone... She said.

"No." I spoke.

Maui... Moana... Is in trouble... I will sleep...To prevent hurting the world once agian... Bring me back my heart...  She said and then she fainted.

"No!" I screamed.

She turned to stone. Blackness shot out of her body poisoning the ocean floor.

"MOANA!" I screamed flying after her.

(Moana's POV) 

I was to deep. But I had to hold my breath. I needed to get The Fiti's heart. The creature turned to face me. I couldn't see it but it's red glowing eyes seemed to captivate me.

No... I thought.

I reached out to it's chest and grabbed the heart it grabbed the string that it had used to create it into a necklace. We fought for it. Suddenly the ocean floor turned black. And I couldn't breath even though the ocean was fighting to will me to be able to breath.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my side I screamed my hand flying to my side. The creature swam off. I started to drown.

Then I heard it. A hawk. I blacked out as strong arms grabbed onto me and swam towards the surface.

Now and forever I shall love you: Moana x Maui •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now