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dedicated to kat because she's absolutely wonderful.

dedicated to kat because she's absolutely wonderful

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Sometimes she wasn't sure it was worth it. The never-ending poop, the constant bathing of muddy dogs and most of all, the rush of people who rarely ever purchased an animal. All this for diddly-squat, nada, nothing. Just good 'ole quality time with the four-legged, barking type.

Still, there was nothing more that Charlie loved more than seeing a child's eyes light up when they see their new best friend for the first time. Call her a sucker, but she never failed to melt into a pool of helpless goo each time she watched an animal leave with their new, forever home.

That didn't mean she wouldn't mind getting paid though.

Oh, the life of a volunteer.

The bell hanging above the door sprung to life, bringing her attention up to a pair of boys. An easy smile made its way onto her lips, instinctively tucking a stray hair that had fallen from her braid behind her ear.

A blonde boy was busy dragging an thin, broad-shouldered man into the door, his eyebrows scrunched together in his efforts to get the older boy inside. "Come on, Tyler!"

Charlie smiled as the older boy, Tyler she assumed, pulled an exasperated face and reluctantly stepped inside the building. The younger boy with both hands now free, bounded up to the desk Charlie sat behind, revealing the gap where his two, front teeth were missing. "Hi! Me and my big cousin are here to volunteer! Well, Tyler isn't because he doesn't like animals but Auntie says he has to help me."

The boy took a much-needed breath once he finished, his cheeks blossoming in the midst of his excitement. Tyler quickly interrupted before the younger boy could continue. "What? I love animals, bud." The little boy appeared to want to say more, but Tyler cut him off with a light flick to the ear.

Charlie smiled, thoroughly amused as the younger boy rubbed the tip of his ear. "Of course!" She looked up and met gazes with the older gentleman, silently admiring the soft, chocolate brown of his eyes. She'd never been a big fan of boys with brown eyes, but she soon found the color quickly becoming one of her favorites. "Are you at least eighteen?" She asked Tyler. He nodded, his eyes big and observant. "Great, then you two should be fine." She grabbed a stack of papers and a pen, sliding them across the desk and in front of the pair. "You and.." She paused, rekindling her attention on the elder of the boys. "Tyler?" He nodded. "Will have to sign a few forums and then you'll be with me for the start of your training. How's that sound?"

The little boy gripped the thin pen in a chunky fist, motioning Tyler to follow him to the collection of sofas that sat a few feet away. "C'mon Ty!"

Tyler held her gaze for a few more seconds, earning a faint blush from her part. His lips lifted in a small smirk before he turned to follow the boy. They finished quickly, as the young boy impatiently rushed Tyler with each minute that passed and barely gave him enough time to finish his signature. Charlie could see where the boy had tugged the papers from Tyler's hands as the ink ran off the paper.

As she scanned over the information and made sure everything was set, she couldn't help but notice Tyler's behavior. His hands were tucked into his pockets, beanie drawn low over his head and his back awkwardly slouched forward. He appeared as if he was attempting to draw the least amount of attention on himself.

Yet every ounce of Charlie's attention was still on him.

Charlie, get it together woman.

"Dakota?" She asked, doing her utmost to keep her attention on the task-at-hand. The little boy furiously nodded. "How about we meet some dogs?"

"This is Dog. He's a mix between a german shepherd and a bulldog. He loves playing catch and drooling." Dakota instantly made himself acquainted with the canine, while Tyler stood back beside Charlie.

"Dog?" Tyler asked, his hands tucked away in the pockets of his jeans.

She nodded, watching as Dog covered Dakota's face with slobbery kisses. "A family dropped him off almost a year ago. They had a little girl who only knew a few words and they said she called him Dog." She turned to look at him. "What? Not original enough for you?"

Tyler quickly shook his head. "No! No.. just curious."

Charlie nodded, unable to stop herself from smiling. Though Dakota was outspoken like many other children (especially for his age), Tyler was the opposite. He was quiet and humble. Unlike his younger cousin, it was difficult to know what Tyler was thinking.

Some odd part of Charlie liked that about him.


"Well, it's almost closing time and I've got a bed calling my name. When should I expect the two of you again?"

Dakota sprung to his feet. "Next Saturday! Tyler promised he'd bring me every weekend! except for when he's-" Tyler cut him off before he could finish.

"-busy, but I'll be free for awhile."

Charlie nodded, sensing the tense air around them. There was obviously something Tyler didn't want her to know — which she was completely fine with. People were allowed to have their secrets, especially those whom she barely knew.

"Well, I look forward to seeing you two next week. Maybe we'll walk a few dogs?"

Dakota might as well have bursted like a balloon that had been poked with a needle. "Really? Can we walk Dog?"

"Of course we can."

As Tyler ushered the young boy out of the door, she didn't miss the way Tyler turned to look at her once more before slipping out into the darkness of the night.

Though she didn't know what it was at the time, butterflies were tickling her belly just at the thought of seeing Tyler again.

She did know however, that she was looking forward to next Saturday.

She did know however, that she was looking forward to next Saturday

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