Dream On

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In the beginning of my senior year at my beyond political high school in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I am more of the outcast as you might say. The entire school is treated by what social group you fall in.

I of course don't fall into one of those social classes. I am known as Taylor Smith, the one who spends too much time in the library focusing on reading and studying to keep my 4.0 GPA to get into my dream college, UCLA. I mean yes this college is far from home, but I am beyond ready to leave this hellhole people call a state. Sure, this state is beautiful and warm, but at the end of the day, I am counting down the days until I can live in the amazing state of California. But until then, I am stuck here living in the library and preparing for the day I can finally kiss this place goodbye.

The first day of my last year of high school should be one of the best days of my life, but I am just treating it like any other ordinary day. I come to school an hour early to make sure the library isn't full, but as always, it is empty. So I say hello to the librarian and give her a nice warm smile as she does the same. We talk for a few minutes about our summer and how she was engaged to her fiancé and how they were hoping to get pregnant soon. After I manage to get away, I find a seat at one of the tables in the far corner and find a nice book to read on one of the shelves nearby. I find one that looks decent and I open it up to start reading. Before I knew it, a half an hour passes and people start to arrive giving each other warm hugs and nearly crying when they see each other. I think it's pretty ridiculous I mean it has only been two months it's not like it's been two years.

A few moments later, a few of my best friends show up through the door. Yes, I have a group, and I have had the same group since middle school but they have managed to put up with me for all these years. I almost tear up when I see them. Now I know why other people cry when you haven't seen them for two months and they have changed so much. I run up to hug them all and they give me a tight hug back.

"You have changed so much!" I say to them. Especially to Grace who just got a small tattoo of an infinity sign on the inside of her wrist. And to Jana who just decided to ombré her hair and it makes her look so much older. Savannah, who recently got her cartilage piercing and it surprisingly looks good on her. I mean normally I don't even like too many piercings on people but I have to say it really looks good. Mina, cut her hair from her belly button all the way to her shoulders. And Juliana, who grew like five inches and is almost my height now. Meanwhile, I did not change a bit and I still look like the same little kid from middle school.

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