Chapter 17: Kidnapped!

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Lilyanne's POV

I sat on the balcony writing down baby names for a boy and a girl. A week ago I was locked up thinking there was only one, but I was wrong.

Girl: Clarissa, Kristy, Macey, Daisy, etc.

Boy: Ross, Daymon, Eric, Charleston, etc.

My mind was racing with happy thoughts about my unborn children. Maybe they would have my hair color or Erin's?

Looking out beyond the balcony, I glanced over at the garden watching Dax trim the plants.

His hair was a mess and dirt covered his clothes. Dark circles laid under his eyes and his body was slumped over. My fault.

A week had passed by and I still refused to talk to him. Conor told me I should try, but it was my choice.

The bushes behind him rattled and a man jumped out with tattered clothing and grabbed Dax covering his mouth.

I jumped up and ran down the hallways making my way to help Dax.

Zooming past Erin he started to run after me.

"Lily what's wrong?!" He called after me continuously.

Soon I made it out into the garden walking to where Dax was, where was he?

Was this some kind of game?

I parted the bushes with my hands and walked into the thick lair of shrubs.

"Lilyanne!" Erin called.

"I'm alright, it's-" I was cut of by a different man grabbing my arms and throwing me over his shoulder.

I screamed loudly trying to beat the man.

"Lilyanne!!" I heard Erin yell, "guards guards, the princess has been taken!"

Looking up I could see Erin's face from the palace doors. He started to chase me but another man jumped out from the bushes fighting Erin.

The man continued to run as I fought hitting him.

"Let me down you ass!" I screamed.

The guy smacked my butt and I immediately tensed up, I couldn't be touched by another man.

"Shut you right up, huh sweet pea?" He asked slowing down with a hint of happiness in his voice.

"Screw you!" I spat.

"Oh that's later darling" he chuckled this time.

My heart stopped, no no no.

"You pig! You fifthly little bastard!" I smacked his back over and over again.

Suddenly I was set down onto the back of a van, now facing the nasty man.

He grabbed my thighs and squeezed hard, drawing blood.

"Owww stop!" I screamed.

"Sweet Pea, you will respect me and obey me... pregnant or not!" He growled shutting me up.

I nodded my head up and down faking my defeat.

He grabbed my face roughly placing his lips on mine. I froze and refused to move.

Once he realized I wasn't going to do anything he shoved my shoulders back causing me to fall backwards into the van and he slammed the doors shut leaving it completely dark.

My head slammed into something hard but squishy.

Turning around I came face to face with a blacked out Dax.

I got up on my knees and shook him.

"Wake up! Dax wake up!" I cried.

Soon his fingers twitched and he took a deep breath.

My body lunged towards him, engulfing him into a large hug.

"Lil?" He asked confused.

"I am so glad you are alright Dax"I continued to hug him.

He looked around and shook his head sitting up quickly.

"why the hell are you here Lil?"

"I tried following you to help" I told him.

"I appreciate it but you're stupid!" He yelled, "you're the damn princess and you're pregnant! It's not good for your baby Lil!"

My hands fidgeted with the hem of my dress, "I'm having twins..." I whispered.

"You what?! Even more the reason to say you are so stupid!"

"I'm sorry okay! I was just trying to help damnit! Apparently I can't make any good decisions according to you!" I shoved him.

We sat there in silence for the next hour as the van continued on.

Suddenly the car abruptly stopped and the crunching of rocks was heard around the sides.

The door then flew open revealing three men.

One then reached in grabbing my arms and yanking me out, then Dax.

We were both walked into a large building that looked really old. As we continued down a random flight of stairs I realized we were passing through an unused kitchen.

A dirty man walked ahead of us opening a large meat locker or giant refrigerator.

Dax was then grabbed forcefully and thrown into the dim room as it was slammed shut.

"No!" I cried.

"It's fine,  he will be somewhat alright, but you sweet pea I would be worried about" the same mad told me.

We continued to walk to another meat locker next to Dax's.

I was then shoved in the room and as the door was sealing shut the man called to me and said, "I will be in soon sweet pea!"

My legs quickly closed and I started to breath heavier.

Lifting my head I glanced around taking in my surroundings.

A little bed laid along the side of the room with a little table. On the other side laid a toilet and sink.

What the hell? Where was I and who are these people?

Sitting down on the somewhat comfortable bed I rubbed my stomach and inhaled, "we will be ok babies, we always are."

Soon the door flung open and the same man walked in as the door closed behind him.

"I'm Ray" he smiled seductively, "and you princess are Lilyanne, we are going to get very close" he chuckled before messing with his belt buckle.

I closed my eyes and backed up in the corner as a hand grabbed my ankle, someone please save me.

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