Chapter 32: Insight (Bonus)

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Lucas's POV (Unknown Character)

I stood in the stables brushing my horse Ark.

My emotions were out of control and only grooming my horse could help.

Recently my mother had just passed. She was everything to me.

People used to call her witch, but she had her reasons for doing the things she did.

As I got older she explained that, when she was queen she fell pregnant a couple months after her step daughter Lilyanne, but not with the kings baby.

Soon the Royal family removed my mother for trying to teach Lilyanne a lesson, or two. She became mad and tried to remove the Royal family so she could bring the kingdom back from the ashes.

When she stabbed Lilyanne many people flooded in and my mother had no choice but to leave. All because she wanted to protect me.

Now I was standing in the stables doing what I did best, taking care of horses. A skill my mother taught me.

I walked my horse into the pen and turned to visit my mothers grave.

Every step I took towards my dead mothers grave, hate built up in my gut towards the Royal family. This was their fault, she was dead because they caused her so much stress.

Collapsing on the floor in front of her grave I read her name out loud.

"Teryn Ethreen"

Placing my hand over her head stone tears fell to the floor. She was gone and I had to accept that.

My emotions continued to boil as I sat on the ground. I wish I could somehow go back in time and help out my mother fix the kingdom and kill the Royal family.

Quickly an idea popped into my head.

Standing up onto my feet my decision had already been made.

"Mother I will avenge your death. I will go to the castle and fill your footsteps. I will take everything from the Royal family like they have just done to me. They will pay mother and I will make you proud!"

As time passed I collected a small bag with only the essentials.

I saddled up Ark and tossed myself upon her.

Roughly I dug my heels into Ark's side and she began to gallop away towards the castle in the sunset.

Passing through the trees Ark and I moved faster and faster with the castle just up ahead.

This was it, I was going to give my mother the ending she deserved.

When I am finished here, the whole kingdom would learn of my mother and her bravery.

"Halt!" Deep voices brought me out of my evil thoughts.

I dismounted off my horse and walked to the guards, "I am here to talk to the Royal family."

Both nodded and lead me forwards.

As I tied up my horse a person walked up to me in a silver dress.

Looking up I saw Princess Clarissa. Her eyes skimmed my body with questioning eyes.

"You wanted to speak to the Royal family?" She spoke.

"Yes" I said nodding my head, "I recently heard you lost a man in the stables and I am here to request the job."

"Name? Age? Skills?" She asked.

" I am Lucas Ethreen, I am 17, and my skills fall under anything having to do with horses."

She nodded her head looking a little puzzled for a couple of seconds, "You can start now, welcome to the castle. Make sure you get everything done in a timely manner"

"Thank you"

"No problem, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to send someone for me!" She called over her shoulder while turning away.

I watched her tell a guard to show me to my room.

"Goodnight Princess!" I shouted.

She turned around and smiled, "and goodnight to you Lucas."

A guard quickly appeared at my shoulder walking me to a small little building at the side of the stables.

Opening the door I was greeted with a empty but poorly furnished house.

Dust lined the walls and shelfs, but this was going to be home until I completed my mission.

Another guard delivered my small bag and told me my horse was in the stables.

Everyone here was so nice, why weren't they mean like my mother told me?

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