Lyric 9

864 31 4

But it's never enough and we try so much

We're always losing when our time could be up

"No skipping rocks or anything else we tried is helping my boredom" Vikk whined. "Have we tried every possible thing?" I asked. "Everything that I can think of" He replied sitting under a tree. "Starbucks is close want to go?" I asked still standing. His face lit up, "You paying?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Sure" He stood up quickly and started walking, "Let's go then!"

When we got there I handed Vikk money and he went to pay while I found a seat. I sat down at a window seat and watched as Vikk got the drinks. He eventually got them and walked over, handing me my change he sat down and started sipping on his drink. "Simon's been getting suspicious you know.." He said putting down the drink. I was about to reply when my phone rang, I got it out and stared at the contact.

"Oh no" I said. Vikk looked at me curious and I showed him who was calling. "Oh god" He said. I hesitantly answered it, deciding to be as sarcastic as possible in hopes he would hang up.

"You still exist? Hm thought you disappeared again.."

"Where are you and why are you not at your flat?"

"Simon I'm 19, you don't control me"

"Are you with Vikk, I swear to fuck if you're with Vikk"

"I'm coming home, I'll be there soon"

I hung up, looked at Vikk and shrugged. "Guess the times up here" I said grabbing my drink and getting up.

Call Me Out- Vikkstar123 X  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now