Chapter 8 = Looking For Costumes

76 3 1

' ' = Thoughts

" " = Said

Haruka's POV

The preparations for the school festival were now in session. Amu-Chan and I have been working really hard trying to get the costumes done. Everyone was selected a partner and a task that they had to work on. I was lucky enough to get Amu-Chan as my partner and we both have to modify costumes from years past. At the moment we are in the storage room grabbing the costumes and anything else we find necessary for the costumes.

"These are adorable!!!" Sue and Hime squealed at the same time while looking into a box at the opposite side of the room.

"Whatcha find?" I asked curiously getting up from my spot on the floor to go to them. When I looked at what they found, I grimaced.

"Aren't they adorable!?!" Sue asked happily, tugging on my cape.

"Aren't they!?!?" Hime asked lightly tugging on her ears, "They look like mine!!". I just sighed.

"What's going on over here?" Amu-Chan asked, suddenly appearing behind me. I jumped and looked over my shoulder at her, she smiled in apology and I smiled back.

"Amu-Chan!!! Aren't these adorable!! I think we should bring them back with us!!!" Sue said opening the box to show her what was inside. Which was cat ear headbands and cat tail belts.

"Haruka-Chan, now you can actually look like your transformation!!!" Hime said happily as I sighed in disappointment.

"Guys, we found the costumes." Miki said grabbing our attention. I heard Hime giggle behind me and I felt something be pressed onto the top of my head. Amu-Chan turned to look at me and giggled while I looked at her in confusion.

"Haruka-Chan, can you do me a favor?" Amu-Chan asked me, giggling slightly.

"Sure?" I asked.

"Can you put for hands up like this," she asked putting her hands up in front of her like paws, "and tilt your head slightly to the right?"

"Okay then?" I said, I slowly put my hands up and tilted my head. Still honestly confused, well, until Amu-Chan took out her phone and snapped a photo. I quickly reached my hand to the top of my head to feel fluffy cat ears. I yanked them off my head and put them back in the box, glaring at Hime and Sue as I did so.

"Maybe I should send this to the Guardians?" Amu-Chan asked teasingly, showing me the picture. It was of me with my hands in a cat like pose, my head tilted, and a confused expression. I felt my face flush as I tried to grab the phone from her. We were both surprised when the phone was lifted out of Amu-Chan's hand and left with our Shugo Charas. We watched as Ran pushed the send button. I stared at her horrified and Amu-Chan thanked her.

"Can we leave now?" Miki said packing up the box with the costumes in it.

"Yeah." I said grabbing the box and waiting for Amu-Chan. I saw her grab the box with the cat ears and tails and I sent her a noticeable glare. "Are you really bringing those?"

"Yup!" She said happily as we exited the room. I just sighed as we made our way back to the classroom.  


Just a little funny, weird chapter just to get back into the swing of things. Hope you guys like and I'll update again soon!!!!

See Ya Soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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