chapter 8

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Braidons POV

I woke up still in shawns arms his hand lightly rubbing my arm i didn't want to let this moment end in this moment i felt a feeling i haven't felt since i came out i felt happy

"Soft kitty warm kitty" u hear shawn whisper in my ear

"How'd u know i love that show Shawn" i say

"Oh i didn't know you where awake" he says "where do you live we need to get you packed" he says

We get up and i type my address into the GPS and the driver starts driving we go and sit in the back of the bus again

"So shawn am i getting paid for this" i ask jokingly

"Yep" he says "you get to spend the year with me" he starts laughing

"Thats pretty good payment" i say punching him playfully in the arm

He walkes over to his dresser and grabs a shirt and slips it on i grab my shirt and slip it on im shivering a little bit because its getting cold shawn sees it and tosses me the sweater he was wearing yesterday
"You look cold were this" he says

"Shawn can we go see my sister she's in the hospital" i say puting on the sweater it smells like him and i feel like he is cuddling me

"Yea of course il tell the driver"


I walk in her room she's sitting up watching tv

"Hey Hanna" i say

"BRAIDON how was the show" she asks "wait where did you get the sweater"

"Its a long story and i brought something to better explaine it to you" i say opening the door to her room

Shawn walks in and she looses her mind

"How wait what um one sec" she is into her phone she pulls up a picture of shawn wearing the sweater i have on

"OMG are you two a thing" she screams

I was about to answer but Shawn jumped in

"Not yet" he says looking at me smiling

"Wait who asked who" she asks sitting up

"I asked your brother and he shot me down" he says giving me a push "said he wanted to get to know me first"

"Braidon you blew it" she says

"Actually im going on tour with with him" i say puting my arm around him

"Aww so cute you two love birds get out of here" she says laying her bed back

"You dont want a picture with him" i ask

"You two will be dating in a few weeks anyway" she says

Me and shawn walk out of the room and are spotted by some fan girls who ran up and begged for pictures with us Me and shawn stand in the middle with our arms around each other with the girls on the outside they get there pics with shawn and move along we get back on thr bus and head to my house when we get there i pack my bags and get back on the bus i take off shawns sweater and go to give it to him

"Nope its yours" he says

"Ok" i say smiling

He grabs my bags and starts to put my close into the dresser when he gets to a shirt that i made a few months ago  it had a shirtless picture of him surrounded by a heart with the words will you

"Oh well nice shirt" he says "You should make one for me"

" i actually did" i  say pullingit out of my suitcase

It has a picture of me in a heart and say be mine on the bottom he takes the shirt and laughs im taking this he says taking off his shirt

"Is it better in person" he asks flexing his abs

"Nope u ugly" i say smirking

"Oh really" he says tackling me to the bed (a/n in a playfully way not sexual)" take it back" he says pining my hands over my head i try to fight back

"Fine i give up u look better in person" i say giving up

"Will you be my mine" he asks rolling off me

"Would you tell the mendes army

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