chapter 9 sound check

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Shawns POV

"Are you willing to tell the mendes army" he askes

"Would you say yes if i did" i counter ask

"Probably" he answers

"Let me think about it" i say smirking

"We should get to work on the plan for  the show" i say "here's what i have planed out":

Shawn talks to croud
Kid in love
Dont even know your name
Treat you better
Act like you love me
Imagination duet with Braidon
Crazy solo by Braidon
Life of the party
Talk break
Cover of hey there dilila
No promises

Talk break
Good bye talk

He takes the paperand starts reading it
"Shawn it says here you want me to do a song solo"he asks looking worried

"Yea dont you know it" i say taking the paper

"Yes i know it but no one knows who i am" he says sitting on the bed

"Braidon everyone thinks we are together they love you" i say laying in the bed

"Yea i guess" he says laying beside me and resting his head on my chest

"We should get some rest before we get there" i say rubbing his shoulder "you get to do sound check with me"


We get to the air canada centre (a/n nhl rink in Montreal)
When we pull up Brandon is still sleeping on my chest my manager comes in about to say something but he sees him asleep on me and puts up five fingers and mouths five minutes i nod and wake up Braidon it takes a second but he wakes up

"We got a get dressed" i say

"Mmmmmmm are you sure" he mumbles

"Yep get your ass up" i say standing up and going to the dresser

"Shawwwwwn i dont wanttt to" he wines

"Yea yea cry about it later" i say tossing a shirt and some pants at him

I grab the shirt he made for me and put it on and slip black and white  plad button up shirt over top i grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a white belt i look back to see Braidon in a dark blue tee shirt and khakis

"Lets go" i say tossing him his backstage pass

I open the bus door and he goes out i follow close behind we get to the door to the arena and the security gaurd lets us in we walk our way to the stage when we get there we pause for a second

"You ready" i ask setting my hand on his shoulder

"As il ever be" he says taking the microphone the stage hands where handing us

We walk out on stage and the small group of about 30 starts cheering

"How are you guys" i ask into the microphone im greeted with a cheer

"Wow shawn im pretty sure that Ottawa was louder" Braidon jokes into the mic

"You know what im pretty sure your right" i say smirking "now guys i know how bad you want to beat Ottawa so i ask again HOW ARE YOU GUYS DOING TONIGHT" the small group eruptswith cheer

"Yea there it is" i say quieting them down

I grab my guitar and strum a few notes

"You cant walk the streets at night"i sing strumming again "your way to Showtime to get on this ri-ide

"No im not no im not" Braidon sings

We finish the song and take pictures with everyone and head back to our green room we walk in and i flop down on the couch

"Any room for me" Braidon asks

"Of course" i say moving over a little bit

He slips in he is mostly laying on me witch i dont mind he's not that heavy our i put my hand over top of him and drift of to sleep 

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