Chapter 8

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"Thanks again for helping me guys, I really appreciate this." I say to Damon, Matt, and Elena. I had ordered a new couch, because mine had been destroyed by a leak in the roof. The building was paying for all the repairs and replacement couch. I just needed help bringing it up into my apartment.

"Sure thing cutie." Damon winks at me. I roll my eyes at him. I wished Stefan had come instead but he and Jeremy were busy today.

"So they already fixed the ceiling right?" Elena asks me as Damon backs up the stairs, carrying most of the weight of the couch with Matt helping to lift the other side. Occasionally, just to be a dick, Damon would put all the weight on Matt and picking it up just before he could fall.

"Yupp, got it done last night while I was at work." I say, thinking back on what had happened last night between Niklaus and I. I quickly put it out of my mind, not wanting to get upset.

"Uhhhh, we've got a problem!" Damon calls down.

"What?" I ask.

"Well you kinda have to invite me in." He says and I frown. I didn't really want to do that...

"You can trust him, it's Damon." Elena says. 

I purse my lips, not being so sure of that. But, wanting to just be done with this, and him, I say, " can go in." 

Damon grins down at me before backing into my apartment. I had the strange feeling that I had just made a huge mistake. 

Walking upstairs and into my apartment I say, "I want it understood that I need my privacy! You aren't allowed in here whenever you want. Just because you've been invited in doesn not mean you can come in whenever you feel like it." 

"I got it."

"Good...and thanks again for the help." I say, heading over to the kitchen area. "You guys want something to drink? I have lemonade."

"Yeah, thanks." Matt says. I pour him and Elena glasses,then reach under the counter for the vodka and pour some into Damon and I's glasses, mixing it with the lemonade.

"Smart girl." he smirks, taking his. I clink cups with him before taking a drink.

"Where's Klaus today? Surprised he let you off your leash." Elena says. She was extremely against the idea of me being near Klaus and was upset that I always seemed to be with him since I left the hospital about 3 days ago. At the mention of him I frown, thinking about our encounter last night.

"I don't know and don't particularly care." I say.

"Trouble in paradise?" Damon smirks.

"Contrary to your belief, Niklaus and I are not dating, screwing, or any of the other things going on in that sick mind of yours." I snap.

"Well maybe if any of you would explain what exactly WAS going on between you, I wouldn't have reason to." he says but we all shake our heads and he scowls, taking another drink of his laced lemonade.

Elena's phone rings and she answers it. We all sit silently while she talks and finally she hangs up.

"That was Bonnie, we need to head back to the boarding house. She found a way to talk to her."

"Talk to who?" I ask.

"It's nobody important." she says.

"Actually, I kind of want to know as well." Damon pipes up. 

"I'll tell you on the way there. Let's go." she says and the three of them say goodbye and leave.

"Seriously?" I ask the empty air. They just brought that up and left...fine! Maybe I didn't want to know anyway....except I did want to know...meh.

"Food Food food food Food FOOOD!" I chant as I dance towards the kitchen, ignoring everything that just happened. I wasn't going to bother myself worrying about what they didn't want me to know. Besides, who cares what other people do when you have chocolate cheesecake?

After a few minutes of me just enjoying the creamy goodness, there's a knock on the door. I scoop up another bite and head to the door as I eat it. Opening it, I look around and see nobody.

A splash of color catches my eye and I look down to see a bouquet of roses. I slowly pull the fork down and out of my mouth, cleaning it completely before bending down to pick them up. They were yellow with flushed pink at the edges and I read the card.

Forgive me?


I chuckle and call out, "Rose of Peace. Nice choice." 

"I figured it was the flower that suited the situation." 

I turn and look to see Niklaus standing against the railing, where he hadn't been a moment before. He looked at me hopefully.

I smile slightly as I smell them, "Well...I can't really be mad at you when you do something this sweet now can I? Besides...I love roses." 

A smile spreads over his face happily, "So I'm forgiven?" 

I nod, "Yeah, I guess you are. Now are you going to just stand there, or are you going to hug me?"

"Hug you?" he asks, eyebrows raising.

"Well yeah! I'm a hugger and that's usually what happens when I forgive somebody. They get a hug." I open up my arms, the flowers in one hand, "Last chance."

He smiled, "Well who am I to deny such an opportunity?" He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me and I did the same to his neck, hugging him. Touching this much of him almost made me dizzy from the sensation rolling through me. It was wonderful and addicting and I felt like I never wanted to let go. I hugged him tighter.

Klaus' POV

I felt Clarabella's arms tighten around me and I couldn't help but do the same. That electric burning feeling was back. I loved it and everytime it happened it was like a brilliant high came over me. I'm so glad she decided to forgive me. I wasn't totally sure what I would have done if she hadn't. After this sensation was so extremely addictive, yet it was only the slightest of reasons I felt that I needed this girl in my life.

Deciding it had been long enough, and not wanting her to feel strange for being stuck in a hug for so long, I let her go and she slowly did the same. It took me a moment to get past the feeling of utter coldness I felt as the rush of electricity left along with her contact. 

She seemed dazed and blinked a few, "I you like ice cream?"

I chuckle, "Yes..."

She smiled, "Well I was actually going to go get to join me?"

"I would love to." 

*A/N: TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! WHAAAAA!? haha :D Please oh PLEASE comment. I might upload another tonight and maybe even TWO more! Three? haha idk, depends on how busy I am later and how long it takes for my mom to come and get me from my dads and if I have anything to do when I get back to her place. Anyway, thanks for reading and please vote and comment it is VERY appreciated :)*

Love you All,


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